• Assume positive intent of others
  • First thing in the morning, be grateful for all the blessings in your life.
  • Exercise
  • Get more sleep
  • When getting home from work, the first thing you tell your partner is the best thing that happened that day
  • Move closer to where you work, or get a job closer to where you live
  • Random acts of kindness — randomly pay for someone’s drive thru order behind you
  • Think of something you use everyday, make sure it is the best quality you can afford, and maintain it at top quality
  • Walk at least 30 minutes a day
  • Stop comparing yourself to others
  • Remove advertising from your life
  • Get a dog
  • Smile for yourself
  • Smile at others
  • Give more and expect less
  • Help the people around you
  • Get enough sunlight
  • Know when to quit
  • Show gratitude for the good things you have
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Journaling
  • Watch this video : Dan Gilbert: The surprising science of happiness
  • Travel
  • Create a small happy moment routine (e.g., eating your favorite food while reading a good book) and indulge in that everyday if possible, even if only for five minutes

Source: Quora

Vocabulary Help

  • advertising – propaganda
  • blessings – bençãos
  • everyday – todos os dias
  • get a dog – arrume um cachorro
  • get more sleep – durma mais
  • give more and expect less – dê mais e espere menos
  • good things – coisas boas
  • grateful – grato
  • gratitude – gratidão
  • happen – acontecer
  • happy – feliz
  • journaling – registrar
  • life – vida
  • mindfulness meditation – meditação atenta
  • move closer to where you work – mude-se para mais perto de seu trabalho
  • partner – parceiro, companheiro, esposa ou marido
  • people – pessoas
  • positive intent – intenção positiva
  • quit – desistir
  • random acts of kindness – atos aleatórios de gentileza
  • smile at others – sorria para os outros
  • stop comparing yourself to others – pare de se comparar com os outros
  • sunligh – luz do sol
  • travel – viajar
  • walk at least 30 minutes a day – ande ao menos 30 minutos por dia