Esta linda história é de autoria de Júlio César de Mello e Souza, mais conhecido como Malba Tahan. Foi um dos maiores divulgadores da matemática no Brasil, professor, educador, pedagogo, conferencista, matemático e escritor do modernismo brasileiro.
Produziu 69 livros de contos e 51 de matemática. Sua obra mais famosa, O Homem que Calculava, já foi traduzida para mais de 12 idiomas. Entre outros livros de destaque do autor estão Salim, o mágico, Lendas do deserto, A caixa do futuro e Mil histórias sem fim.
Fonte: Wikipedia
Audio | |
Normal | Slow |
English Transcript | Tradução |
The Tailor and the Treasure of Bresa | O Alfaiate e o Tesouro de Bresa |
It is said that there was once, in Babylon - the famous city of the Hanging Gardens - a poor and modest Tailor, called Enedim. | Conta-se que houve, outrora, na Babilônia - a famosa cidade dos Jardins Suspensos - um pobre e modesto Alfaiate, chamado Enedim. |
Intelligent and hardworking man, who, for his good qualities and love at heart, he was very dear in the neighborhood where he lived. | Homem inteligente e trabalhador, que, por suas boas qualidades e amor no coração, era muito querido no bairro em que morava. |
Enedim used to spend the whole day, from morning to night, cutting, sewing and preparing the clothes of his numerous customers, and although very poor, he did not lose hope of becoming very rich, master of many Palaces and great treasures. | Enedim passava o dia inteiro, de manhã à noite, cortando, costurando e preparando as roupas de seus numerosos fregueses, e, embora, muito pobre, não perdia a esperança de vir a ser muito rico, senhor de muitos Palácios e grandes tesouros. |
However, how to conquer this longed-for wealth? - thought the miserable tailor, passing and passing on the thick needle of his craft - How to discover one of those famous treasures that are hidden in the land or lost in the depths of the sea? He had heard, in a lecture with foreigners from Egypt, Syria and Greece, prodigious stories of adventurers who had come across huge caves, full of gold ... | Como conquistar, porém, essa tão ambicionada riqueza? - pensava o mísero alfaiate, passando e repassando a agulha grossa de seu ofício - Como descobrir um desses famosos tesouros que se acham escondidos na terra ou perdidos nas profundezas do mar? Ouvira contar, em palestra com estrangeiros vindos do Egito, da Síria e da Grécia, histórias prodigiosas de aventureiros que haviam topado com cavernas imensas, cheias de ouro... |
Deep caves riddled with diamonds ... | Grutas profundas crivadas de brilhantes ... |
Very heavy boxes overflowing with pearls. | Caixas pesadíssimas a transbordar de pérolas. |
And couldn't he, like these happy adventurers, discover a fabulous treasure and thus become, from one moment to the next, the richest man in those lands? Ah! If such a thing happened, he would then be the master of an immense and magnificent palace ... | E não poderia ele, à semelhança desses aventureiros felizes, descobrir um tesouro fabuloso e tornar-se, assim, de um momento para o outro, o homem mais rico daquelas terras? Ah! Se tal coisa acontecesse, ele seria, então, senhor de um imenso e magnífico palácio ... |
He would have numerous slaves and, every afternoon, in a large golden car,taken by meek lions, he would stroll, from his wander, over the walls of Babylon, amicably courting the illustrious Princes of the Royal House. | Teria numerosos escravos e, todas as tardes, num grande carro de ouro, tirado por mansos leões, passearia, de seu vagar, sobre as muralhas da Babilônia, cortejando amistosamente os Príncipes ilustres da casa Real. |
So the kindly Enedim meditated, rambling on for such distant riches, when an old merchant from Greece stopped him at the door of the house, selling carpets, images, colored stones and a multitude of other extravagant objects so much appreciated by the Babylonians. | Assim meditava o bondoso Enedim, divagando por tão longínquas riquezas, quando lhe parou à porta da casa um velho mercador da Grécia, que vendia tapetes, imagens, pedras coloridas e uma infinidade de outros objetos extravagantes tão apreciados pelos Babilônios. |
Out of mere curiosity, Enedim began to examine the trinkets that the seller offered him, when he discovered, among them, a kind of book with many pages, where strange and unknown characters were seen. | Por mera curiosidade, começou Enedim a examinar as bugigangas que o vendedor lhe oferecia, quando descobriu, entre elas, uma espécie de livro de muitas páginas, onde se viam caracteres estranhos e desconhecidos. |
That book was a treasure, said the merchant, running his rough hands through the beards that fell on his chest, and cost only three dinars. | Era uma preciosidade aquele livro, afirmava o mercador, passando as mãos ásperas pelas barbas que lhe caiam sobre o peito, e custava apenas três dinares. |
Three dinars. | Três dinares. |
It was a lot of money for the poor tailor. | Era muito dinheiro para o pobre alfaiate. |
To own such a curious and rare object, Enedim would be able to spend even the last two dinars he owned. | Para possuir um objeto tão curioso e raro, Enedim seria capaz de gastar até os dois últimos dinares que possuía. |
— "Okay," agreed the merchant, "the book will stay for two dinars, but rest assured it was free!" | — Está bem - concordou o mercador - fica-lhe o livro por dois dinares, mas esteja certo de que lhe foi de graça! |
The seller left and Enedim tried to examine the preciousness he had acquired without delay. | Afastou-se o vendedor e Enedim tratou, sem demora, de examinar cuidadosamente a preciosidade que havia adquirido. |
What was his surprise when he managed to decipher, on the first page, the following caption, written in complicated Chaldean characters: "The secret of Bresa's treasure". | Qual não foi a sua surpresa quando conseguiu decifrar, na primeira página, a seguinte legenda, escrita em complicados caracteres caldaicos: "O segredo do tesouro de Bresa". |
For God! That wonderful book, full of mystery, certainly taught where some fabulous treasure was! BRESA'S TREASURE! But, what treasure would that be? Enedim vaguely remembered having heard any reference to him. | Por Deus! Aquele livro maravilhoso, cheio de mistério, ensinava, com certeza, onde se encontrava algum tesouro fabuloso! O TESOURO DE BRESA! Mas, que tesouro seria esse? Enedim recordava-se vagamente, de já ter ouvido qualquer referência a ele. |
But when? Where? And with his heart pounding, he deciphered further: "Bresa's treasure, buried by the genius of the same name among the mountains of Harbatol, was forgotten there, and is still there, until some hardworking man finds it" . | Mas quando? Onde? E com o coração a bater descompassadamente, decifrou ainda: "O tesouro de Bresa, enterrado pelo gênio do mesmo nome entre as montanhas do Harbatol, foi ali esquecido, e ali se acha ainda, até que algum homem esforçado venha a encontrá-lo". |
Harbatol? What mountains were these that contained all the fabulous gold of a genius? And the hard-working tailor was ready to decipher all the pages of that book, and see if it worked, whatever the cost, with Bresa's secret, to seize the immense treasure that the whim of its possessor had buried in some lost cave between the mountains. | Harbatol? Que montanhas seriam essas que encerravam todo o ouro fabuloso de um gênio? E o esforçado alfaiate, dispôs-se a decifrar todas as páginas daquele livro, e ver se atinava, custasse o que custasse, com o segredo de Bresa, para apoderar-se do tesouro imenso que o capricho de seu possuidor fizera enterrar nalguma gruta perdida entre as montanhas. |
The first pages were written in characters of different peoples. | As primeiras páginas eram escritas em caracteres de vários povos. |
Enedim was forced to study the Egyptian hieroglyphs, the language of the Greeks, the Persian dialects, the complicated language of the Jews. | Enedim foi obrigado a estudar os hieróglifos egípcios, a língua dos gregos, os dialetos persas, o complicado idioma dos judeus. |
After three years, Enedim left the old profession of tailor, and became the interpreter of the King, because in the city there was no one who knew so many foreign languages. | Ao fim de três anos, deixava Enedim a antiga profissão de alfaiate, e passava a ser o intérprete do Rei, pois na cidade não havia quem soubesse tantos idiomas estrangeiros. |
The position of interpreter of the King was very profitable. | O cargo de intérprete do Rei era bem rendoso. |
Enedim earned one hundred dinars a day; moreover, he lived in a large house, had many servants and all the nobles of the court greeted him respectfully. | Ganhava Enedim, cem dinares por dia; ademais morava numa grande casa, tinha muitos criados e todos os nobres da corte o saudavam respeitosamente. |
However, the hard working Enedim did not give up, to discover the great mystery of Bresa. | Não desistiu, porém, o esforçado Enedim, de descobrir o grande mistério de Bresa. |
Continuing to read the enchanted book, he found several pages full of calculations, numbers and figures. | Continuando a ler o livro encantado, encontrou várias páginas cheias de cálculos, números e figuras. |
And, in order to understand what he read, he was forced to study mathematics with city calculators, becoming, after a short time, a great connoisseur of the complicated arithmetic transformations. | E, a fim de ir compreendendo o que lia, foi obrigado a estudar Matemática com calculistas da cidade, tornando-se, ao cabo de pouco tempo, grande conhecedor das complicadas transformações aritméticas. |
Thanks to this new knowledge acquired, Enedim could calculate, design and build a large bridge over the Euphrates; this work pleased the King so much that the monarch decided to appoint Enedim to exercise the position of Mayor. | Graças a esses novos conhecimentos adquiridos, pode Enedim calcular, desenhar e construir uma grande ponte sobre o Eufrates; esse trabalho agradou tanto ao Rei, que o monarca resolveu nomear Enedim para exercer o cargo de Prefeito. |
The friend and humble tailor thus became one of the most notable men in the city. | O amigo e humilde alfaiate passava, assim, a ser um dos homens mais notáveis da cidade. |
Active and always committed to unraveling the secret of such a book, he was compelled to study the laws in depth,the religious principles of his country and those of the Chaldean people; with the help of this new knowledge, Enedim managed to resolve an old pending issue among doctors. | Ativo e sempre empenhado em desvendar o segredo do tal livro, foi compelido a estudar profundamente as leis, os princípios religiosos de seu país e os do povo caldeu; com o auxilio desses novos conhecimentos, conseguiu Enedim dirimir uma velha pendência entre os doutores. |
— Enedim is a great man! - declared the King when he learned of the fact - I will appoint him Prime Minister. | — É um grande homem o Enedim! - declarou o Rei quando soube do fato - Vou nomeá-lo Primeiro Ministro. |
And so he did. | E assim fez. |
It was our hardworking hero, to occupy the high office of Prime Minister. | Foi o nosso esforçado herói, ocupar o elevado cargo de Primeiro Ministro. |
He then lived in a sumptuous palace, near the Royal garden, had many servants and received visits from the most powerful princes in the world. | Vivia, então, num suntuoso palácio, perto do jardim Real, tinha muitos criados e recebia visitas dos príncipes mais poderosos do mundo. |
Thanks to Enedim's work and great knowledge, the kingdom progressed rapidly and the city was filled with foreigners; large palaces had been erected, several roads had been built to connect Babylon with the neighboring cities. | Graças ao trabalho e ao grande saber de Enedim, o reino progrediu rapidamente e a cidade ficou repleta de estrangeiros; ergueram-se grandes palácios, várias estradas se construíram para ligar Babilônia às cidades vizinhas. |
Enedim was the most remarkable man of his time. | Enedim era o homem mais notável do seu tempo. |
He earned more than a thousand gold coins every day, and had in his palace of marble and stones, boxes full of rich jewelry, and pearls of incalculable value. | Ganhava diariamente mais de mil moedas de ouro, e tinha em seu palácio de mármore e pedrarias, caixas cheias de jóias riquíssimas, e de pérolas de valor incalculável. |
But - interesting thing! - Enedim did not yet know the secret of Bresa's book, although he had read and reread all the pages! How could I penetrate that mystery? | Mas - coisa interessante! - Enedim não conhecia ainda o segredo do livro de Bresa, embora lhe tivesse lido e relido todas as páginas! Como poderia penetrar naquele mistério? |
And one day, while chatting with a venerable priest, he had the opportunity to refer to the mistery that tormented him. | E um dia, cavaqueando com um venerando sacerdote, teve a ocasião de referir-se ao mistério que o atormentava. |
The good religious laughed, hearing the naive confession of the great vizier, and, used to deciphering the greatest enigmas of life, he said: | Riu-se o bom religioso, ao ouvir a ingênua confissão do grande vizir, e, afeito a decifrar os maiores enigmas da vida, assim falou: |
— "Bresa's treasure is already in your power, my lord. | — "O tesouro de Bresa já está em vosso poder, meu senhor. |
Thanks to the mysterious book you acquired great knowledge, and that knowledge has provided you with the enviable goods you already have". | Graças ao livro misterioso é que adquiristes um grande saber, e esse saber vos proporcionou os invejáveis bens que já possuis". |
Bresa means "to know". | Bresa significa "saber". |
Harbatol means "work". | Harbatol quer dizer "trabalho". |
With study and work, man can conquer treasures greater than those hidden within the earth or under the abyss of the sea! | Com estudo e trabalho pode o homem conquistar tesouros maiores do que os que se ocultam no seio da terra ou sob os abismos do mar! |
The enlightened priest was right. | Tinha razão o esclarecido sacerdote. |
Bresa, the genius, really has a very valuable treasure, which anyone, hardworking and intelligent, can get; this prodigious wealth is not found, but lost in the heart of the Earth or in the depths of the seas; You will find it, yes, in good books, in studies, in dedication to work, which, providing knowledge to people, opens, for those who dedicate themselves, the wonderful doors of a thousand enchanted treasures! | Bresa, o gênio, guarda realmente um tesouro valiosíssimo, que qualquer pessoa, esforçada e inteligente pode conseguir; essa riqueza prodigiosa não se acha, porém perdida no seio da terra nem nas profundezas dos mares; Encontra-la-eis, sim, nos bons livros, nos estudos, na dedicação ao trabalho, que proporcionando saber às pessoas, abrem, para aqueles que se dedicam, as portas maravilhosas de mil tesouros encantados! |
Contagem de Palavras
Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra |
106 | the | 55 | of | 43 | and |
33 | to | 24 | in | 23 | he |
23 | a | 18 | was | 17 | enedim |
14 | that | 13 | with | 11 | treasure |
10 | his | 9 | had | 9 | book |
8 | it | 7 | tailor | 7 | great |
7 | for | 6 | very | 6 | one |
6 | man | 6 | knowledge | 6 | him |
6 | from | 6 | Bresa's | 5 | would |
5 | work | 5 | when | 5 | those |
5 | this | 5 | so | 5 | many |
5 | is | 5 | dinars | 5 | city |
5 | but | 4 | you | 4 | who |
4 | where | 4 | what | 4 | treasures |
4 | there | 4 | such | 4 | study |
4 | secret | 4 | pages | 4 | on |
4 | not | 4 | large | 4 | king |
4 | have | 4 | hardworking | 4 | full |
4 | did | 4 | day | 4 | bresa |
4 | all | 3 | will | 3 | were |
3 | three | 3 | thanks | 3 | some |
3 | said | 3 | read | 3 | poor |
3 | palace | 3 | or | 3 | old |
3 | mystery | 3 | mountains | 3 | most |
3 | merchant | 3 | lost | 3 | lived |
3 | how | 3 | house | 3 | heart |
3 | harbatol | 3 | good | 3 | gold |
3 | genius | 3 | fabulous | 3 | discover |
3 | complicated | 3 | characters | 3 | can |
3 | by | 3 | be | 3 | babylon |
3 | an | 3 | among | 3 | acquired |
2 | your | 2 | written | 2 | wonderful |
2 | which | 2 | wealth | 2 | unknown |
2 | two | 2 | time | 2 | thus |
2 | thousand | 2 | thing | 2 | these |
2 | then | 2 | than | 2 | stones |
2 | several | 2 | servants | 2 | seller |
2 | sea | 2 | royal | 2 | rich |
2 | religious | 2 | prodigious | 2 | princes |
2 | prime | 2 | priest | 2 | position |
2 | people | 2 | pearls | 2 | passing |
2 | palaces | 2 | over | 2 | numerous |
2 | new | 2 | much | 2 | minister |
2 | means | 2 | master | 2 | managed |
2 | left | 2 | language | 2 | know |
2 | interpreter | 2 | intelligent | 2 | immense |
2 | if | 2 | I | 2 | however |
2 | hidden | 2 | heard | 2 | has |
2 | greece | 2 | found | 2 | foreigners |
2 | forced | 2 | first | 2 | famous |
2 | examine | 2 | every | 2 | enchanted |
2 | earth | 2 | earned | 2 | depths |
2 | decipher | 2 | conquer | 2 | chaldean |
2 | caves | 2 | buried | 2 | boxes |
2 | been | 2 | becoming | 2 | became |
2 | at | 2 | appoint | 2 | although |
2 | already | 2 | after | 2 | adventurers |
1 | yet | 1 | yes | 1 | years |
1 | world | 1 | working | 1 | worked |
1 | without | 1 | within | 1 | whole |
1 | whim | 1 | while | 1 | whatever |
1 | wander | 1 | walls | 1 | vizier |
1 | visits | 1 | venerable | 1 | value |
1 | valuable | 1 | vaguely | 1 | used |
1 | up | 1 | until | 1 | unraveling |
1 | understand | 1 | under | 1 | trinkets |
1 | tried | 1 | transformations | 1 | tormented |
1 | through | 1 | thought | 1 | thick |
1 | themselves | 1 | them | 1 | taught |
1 | taken | 1 | syria | 1 | surprise |
1 | sumptuous | 1 | studies | 1 | stroll |
1 | strange | 1 | stories | 1 | stopped |
1 | still | 1 | stay | 1 | spent |
1 | spend | 1 | slaves | 1 | short |
1 | sewing | 1 | selling | 1 | seize |
1 | seen | 1 | see | 1 | seas |
1 | same | 1 | running | 1 | rough |
1 | roads | 1 | right | 1 | riddled |
1 | richest | 1 | riches | 1 | rest |
1 | respectfully | 1 | resolve | 1 | reread |
1 | remembered | 1 | remarkable | 1 | reference |
1 | refer | 1 | received | 1 | really |
1 | ready | 1 | rare | 1 | rapidly |
1 | rambling | 1 | qualities | 1 | providing |
1 | provided | 1 | progressed | 1 | profitable |
1 | profession | 1 | principles | 1 | preparing |
1 | preciousness | 1 | powerful | 1 | power |
1 | pounding | 1 | possessor | 1 | pleased |
1 | persian | 1 | peoples | 1 | penetrate |
1 | pending | 1 | page | 1 | owned |
1 | own | 1 | overflowing | 1 | out |
1 | our | 1 | other | 1 | order |
1 | opportunity | 1 | opens | 1 | only |
1 | once | 1 | okay | 1 | office |
1 | offered | 1 | occupy | 1 | objects |
1 | object | 1 | numbers | 1 | notable |
1 | nobles | 1 | no | 1 | night |
1 | next | 1 | neighboring | 1 | neighborhood |
1 | needle | 1 | near | 1 | name |
1 | naive | 1 | mysterious | 1 | my |
1 | multitude | 1 | morning | 1 | moreover |
1 | more | 1 | money | 1 | monarch |
1 | moment | 1 | modest | 1 | miserable |
1 | mere | 1 | men | 1 | meek |
1 | meditated | 1 | mayor | 1 | mathematics |
1 | marble | 1 | magnificent | 1 | love |
1 | lot | 1 | lose | 1 | lord |
1 | longed | 1 | lions | 1 | like |
1 | life | 1 | lecture | 1 | leaves |
1 | learned | 1 | laws | 1 | laughed |
1 | last | 1 | languages | 1 | lands |
1 | land | 1 | knew | 1 | kingdom |
1 | kindly | 1 | kind | 1 | jews |
1 | jewelry | 1 | its | 1 | issue |
1 | interesting | 1 | incalculable | 1 | images |
1 | illustrious | 1 | hundred | 1 | humble |
1 | huge | 1 | hope | 1 | high |
1 | hieroglyphs | 1 | hero | 1 | help |
1 | heavy | 1 | hearing | 1 | having |
1 | hard | 1 | happy | 1 | happened |
1 | hanging | 1 | hands | 1 | greeted |
1 | greeks | 1 | greatest | 1 | greater |
1 | goods | 1 | golden | 1 | god |
1 | give | 1 | get | 1 | gardens |
1 | garden | 1 | further | 1 | friend |
1 | free | 1 | forgotten | 1 | foreign |
1 | following | 1 | finds | 1 | find |
1 | filled | 1 | figures | 1 | fell |
1 | fact | 1 | extravagant | 1 | exercise |
1 | even | 1 | euphrates | 1 | erected |
1 | enviable | 1 | enlightened | 1 | enigmas |
1 | Enedim's | 1 | egyptian | 1 | egypt |
1 | effort | 1 | doors | 1 | door |
1 | doctors | 1 | distant | 1 | discovered |
1 | different | 1 | diamonds | 1 | dialects |
1 | design | 1 | depth | 1 | delay |
1 | deep | 1 | dedication | 1 | dedicate |
1 | declared | 1 | deciphering | 1 | deciphered |
1 | decided | 1 | dear | 1 | cutting |
1 | customers | 1 | curious | 1 | curiosity |
1 | craft | 1 | courting | 1 | court |
1 | country | 1 | couldn't | 1 | could |
1 | costing | 1 | cost | 1 | continuing |
1 | contained | 1 | connoisseur | 1 | connect |
1 | confession | 1 | compelled | 1 | committed |
1 | come | 1 | colored | 1 | coins |
1 | clothes | 1 | cities | 1 | chest |
1 | chatting | 1 | certainly | 1 | cave |
1 | carpets | 1 | car | 1 | caption |
1 | called | 1 | calculators | 1 | calculations |
1 | calculate | 1 | built | 1 | build |
1 | bridge | 1 | books | 1 | between |
1 | began | 1 | become | 1 | because |
1 | beards | 1 | babylonians | 1 | assured |
1 | arithmetic | 1 | are | 1 | appreciated |
1 | anyone | 1 | any | 1 | amicably |
1 | always | 1 | ah | 1 | agreed |
1 | afternoon | 1 | active | 1 | across |
1 | abyss | 1 | able |