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English Transcript | Tradução |
You're very important to me. | Você é muito importante para mim |
One day, when I was a freshman at school, I saw a boy from my class walking home after school. | Um dia, quando eu era calouro na escola, vi um garoto de minha sala caminhando para casa depois da aula. |
His name was Kyle. | Seu nome era Kyle. |
It looked like he was carrying all of his books. | Parecia que ele estava carregando todos os seus livros. |
I thought: | Eu pensei: |
"Why would anyone take all his books home on a Friday? He must be a nerd!" | "Por que alguém iria levar para casa todos os seus livros numa Sexta-Feira? Ele deve ser mesmo um C.D.F"! |
My weekend was planned (parties and a football game with my friends on Saturday afternoon), so I shrugged and went on my way. | O meu final de semana estava planejado (festas e um jogo de futebol com meus amigos sábado à tarde), então dei de ombros e segui o meu caminho. |
As I walked, I saw a group of boys running towards Kyle. | Conforme ia caminhando, vi um grupo de garotos correndo em direção a Kyle. |
They ran over him, yanking all the books out of his arms, pushing him so that he fell to the floor. | Eles o atropelaram, arrancando todos os livros de seus braços, empurrando-o de forma que ele caiu no chão. |
His glasses flew and I saw them land on the grass a few feet from where he was. | Seus óculos voaram e eu os vi aterrissarem na grama há alguns metros de onde ele estava. |
Kyle looked up and I saw a terrible sadness in his eyes. | Kyle ergueu o rosto e eu vi uma terrível tristeza em seus olhos. |
My heart sank! | Fiquei destroçado! |
I ran over to the colleague while he crawled around looking for his glasses. | Corri até o colega, enquanto ele engatinhava procurando por seus óculos. |
I could see a tear in his eyes. | Pude ver uma lágrima em seus olhos. |
As I handed him the glasses, I said, "Those guys are idiots! | Enquanto eu lhe entregava os óculos,disse: "Aqueles caras são uns idiotas! |
They really should have a life of their own. | Eles realmente deviam arrumar uma vida própria". |
" Kyle looked me in the eye and said, "Hey, thanks"! | Kyle olhou-me nos olhos e disse: "Hei, obrigado"! |
There was a big smile on his face. | Havia um grande sorriso em sua face. |
It was one of those smiles that really shows gratitude. | Era um daqueles sorrisos que realmente mostram gratidão. |
I helped him pick up his books and asked him where he lived. | Eu o ajudei a apanhar seus livros e perguntei onde ele morava. |
Coincidentally, he lived close to my house, but we hadn't met before, because he attended a private school. | Por coincidência ele morava perto da minha casa, mas não havíamos nos visto antes, porque ele freqüentava uma escola particular. |
We talked all the way home and I carried his books. | Conversamos por todo o caminho de volta para casa e eu carreguei seus livros. |
He turned out to be a very nice boy. | Ele se revelou um garoto bem legal. |
I asked if he wanted to play football on Saturday with me and my friends. | Perguntei se ele queria jogar futebol no Sábado comigo e meus amigos. |
He said yes. | Ele disse que sim. |
We stayed together all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him. | Ficamos juntos por todo o final de semana e quanto mais eu conhecia Kyle, mais gostava dele. |
My friends thought the same way. | Meus amigos pensavam da mesma forma. |
Monday came and there was Kyle with that huge amount of books again! | Chegou a Segunda-Feira e lá estava o Kyle com aquela quantidade imensa de livros outra vez! |
I stopped him and said: | Eu o parei e disse: |
"Hell, boy, you're going to get really muscular carrying this pile of books like this every day!" | "Diabos, rapaz, você vai ficar realmente musculoso carregando essa pilha de livros assim todos os dias!" |
He just laughed and handed me half of the books. | Ele simplesmente riu e me entregou metade dos livros. |
Over the next four years, Kyle and I became closer friends, more united. | Nos quatro anos seguintes, Kyle e eu nos tornamos mais amigos, mais unidos. |
When we were graduating we started thinking about college. | Quando estávamos nos formando começamos a pensar em Faculdade. |
Kyle decided to go to Georgetown and me to Duke. | Kyle decidiu ir para Georgetown e eu para a Duke. |
I knew we would always be friends, that distance would never be a problem. | Eu sabia que seríamos sempre amigos, que a distância nunca seria problema. |
He was going to be a doctor and I was going to try a scholarship on the football team. | Ele seria médico e eu ia tentar uma bolsa escolar no time de futebol. |
Kyle was the official speaker for our class. | Kyle era o orador oficial de nossa turma. |
I teased him all the time about him being a nerd. | Eu o provocava o tempo todo sobre ele ser um C.D.F. |
He had to prepare a graduation speech and I was very happy that I should not be the one to stand on the podium and speak. | Ele teve que preparar um discurso de formatura e eu estava super contente por não ser eu quem deveria subir no palanque e discursar. |
On graduation day Kyle was great. | No dia da Formatura Kyle estava ótimo. |
He was one of those guys who really find themselves during school. | Era um daqueles caras que realmente se encontram durante a escola. |
He was more stocky and looked really good, even wearing glasses. | Estava mais encorpado e realmente tinha uma boa aparência, mesmo usando óculos. |
He dated more girls than me and all the girls adored him! | Ele saía com mais garotas do que eu e todas as meninas o adoravam! |
Sometimes I was even jealous. | Às vezes eu até ficava com inveja. |
Today was one of those days. | Hoje era um daqueles dias. |
I could see how nervous he was about the speech. | Eu podia ver o quanto ele estava nervoso sobre o discurso. |
So, I patted him on the back and said, "Hey, big boy, you're going to do well!" | Então, dei-lhe um tapinha nas costas e disse: "Ei, garotão, você vai se sair bem!" |
He looked at me with that look of gratitude, smiled and said: | Ele olhou para mim com aquele olhar de gratidão, sorriu e disse: |
"Thanks!" | "Valeu"! |
When he went up to the oratory, he cleared his throat and began his speech: | Quando ele subiu no oratório, limpou a garganta e começou o discurso: |
"Graduation is a time to thank those who helped us during these hard years. | "A Formatura é uma época para agradecermos àqueles que nos ajudaram durante estes anos duros. |
Your parents, teachers, brothers, maybe even a coach, but mainly to your friends. | Seus pais, professores, irmãos, talvez até um treinador, mas principalmente aos seus amigos. |
I am here to tell you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. | Eu estou aqui para lhes dizer que ser um amigo para alguém, é o melhor presente que você pode lhes dar. |
I'll tell you a story:" | Vou contar-lhes uma história:" |
I looked at my friend in disbelief as he told the story about the first day we met. | Eu olhei para o meu amigo sem conseguir acreditar enquanto ele contava a história sobre o primeiro dia em que nos conhecemos. |
He had planned to kill himself that weekend! | Ele havia planejado se matar naquele final de semana! |
He told everyone how he had emptied his locker at school, so that his mother didn't have to do it after he died and was taking all his things home. | Contou a todos como havia esvaziado seu armário na escola, para que sua Mãe não tivesse que fazer isso depois que ele morresse e estava levando todas as suas coisas para casa. |
He looked me straight in the eye and smiled a little. | Ele olhou diretamente nos meus olhos e deu um pequeno sorriso. |
"Fortunately, my friend saved me from doing something unspeakable!" | "Felizmente, meu amigo me salvou de fazer algo inominável! |
I watched the lump in the throat of everyone in the audience while that popular and handsome boy told everyone about his moment of weakness. | "Eu observava o nó na garganta de todos na platéia enquanto aquele rapaz popular e bonito contava a todos sobre aquele seu momento de fraqueza. |
I saw his mom and dad looking at me and smiling with the same gratitude. | Vi sua mãe e seu pai olhando para mim e sorrindo com a mesma gratidão. |
Until that moment, I had never realized the depth of the smile he gave me that day. | Até aquele momento eu jamais havia me dado conta da profundidade do sorriso que ele me deu naquele dia. |
Never underestimate the power of your actions. | Nunca subestime o poder de suas ações. |
With a small gesture you can change a person's life. | Com um pequeno gesto você pode mudar a vida de uma pessoa. |
For better or for worse. | Para melhor ou para pior. |
God places us in the lives of others so that we, in some way or another, have an impact on each other. | Deus nos coloca na vida dos outros para que, de alguma forma, tenhamos um impacto uns sobre os outros. |
Contagem de Palavras
A tabela abaixo exibe as palavras encontradas neste texto bem como o número de vezes em que aparecem.
Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra |
33 | the | 32 | I | 28 | he |
27 | and | 25 | a | 23 | to |
19 | was | 18 | his | 16 | of |
13 | that | 11 | on | 11 | me |
11 | him | 10 | my | 10 | kyle |
9 | in | 8 | we | 8 | books |
8 | all | 7 | looked | 6 | with |
6 | said | 6 | friends | 6 | be |
5 | those | 5 | so | 5 | school |
5 | saw | 5 | really | 5 | one |
5 | more | 5 | day | 5 | boy |
5 | at | 5 | about | 4 | you |
4 | way | 4 | home | 4 | had |
4 | going | 4 | glasses | 4 | for |
3 | you're | 3 | your | 3 | would |
3 | when | 3 | weekend | 3 | very |
3 | up | 3 | told | 3 | speech |
3 | over | 3 | never | 3 | it |
3 | have | 3 | gratitude | 3 | graduation |
3 | from | 3 | friend | 3 | football |
3 | everyone | 3 | even | 3 | as |
2 | years | 2 | who | 2 | while |
2 | where | 2 | went | 2 | us |
2 | time | 2 | throat | 2 | thought |
2 | this | 2 | they | 2 | there |
2 | them | 2 | thanks | 2 | tell |
2 | story | 2 | smiled | 2 | smile |
2 | should | 2 | see | 2 | saturday |
2 | same | 2 | ran | 2 | planned |
2 | out | 2 | or | 2 | nerd |
2 | moment | 2 | met | 2 | looking |
2 | lived | 2 | like | 2 | life |
2 | is | 2 | how | 2 | hey |
2 | helped | 2 | handed | 2 | guys |
2 | girls | 2 | eyes | 2 | eye |
2 | during | 2 | do | 2 | could |
2 | class | 2 | carrying | 2 | can |
2 | but | 2 | big | 2 | being |
2 | asked | 2 | after | 1 | yes |
1 | yanking | 1 | worse | 1 | why |
1 | were | 1 | well | 1 | wearing |
1 | weakness | 1 | watched | 1 | wanted |
1 | walking | 1 | walked | 1 | until |
1 | unspeakable | 1 | united | 1 | underestimate |
1 | turned | 1 | try | 1 | towards |
1 | together | 1 | today | 1 | thinking |
1 | things | 1 | these | 1 | themselves |
1 | their | 1 | thank | 1 | than |
1 | terrible | 1 | teased | 1 | tear |
1 | team | 1 | teachers | 1 | talked |
1 | taking | 1 | take | 1 | straight |
1 | stopped | 1 | stocky | 1 | stayed |
1 | started | 1 | stand | 1 | speaker |
1 | speak | 1 | sometimes | 1 | something |
1 | someone | 1 | some | 1 | smiling |
1 | smiles | 1 | small | 1 | shrugged |
1 | shows | 1 | scholarship | 1 | saved |
1 | sank | 1 | sadness | 1 | running |
1 | realized | 1 | pushing | 1 | problem |
1 | private | 1 | prepare | 1 | power |
1 | popular | 1 | podium | 1 | play |
1 | places | 1 | pile | 1 | pick |
1 | person's | 1 | patted | 1 | parties |
1 | parents | 1 | own | 1 | our |
1 | others | 1 | other | 1 | oratory |
1 | official | 1 | not | 1 | nice |
1 | next | 1 | nervous | 1 | name |
1 | must | 1 | muscular | 1 | mother |
1 | monday | 1 | mom | 1 | maybe |
1 | mainly | 1 | lump | 1 | look |
1 | locker | 1 | lives | 1 | little |
1 | liked | 1 | laughed | 1 | land |
1 | know | 1 | knew | 1 | kill |
1 | just | 1 | jealous | 1 | important |
1 | impact | 1 | I'll | 1 | if |
1 | idiots | 1 | huge | 1 | house |
1 | himself | 1 | here | 1 | hell |
1 | heart | 1 | hard | 1 | happy |
1 | handsome | 1 | half | 1 | hadn't |
1 | group | 1 | great | 1 | grass |
1 | graduating | 1 | got | 1 | good |
1 | god | 1 | go | 1 | give |
1 | gift | 1 | get | 1 | gesture |
1 | georgetown | 1 | gave | 1 | game |
1 | friday | 1 | freshman | 1 | four |
1 | fortunately | 1 | floor | 1 | flew |
1 | first | 1 | find | 1 | few |
1 | fell | 1 | feet | 1 | face |
1 | every | 1 | emptied | 1 | each |
1 | duke | 1 | doing | 1 | doctor |
1 | distance | 1 | disbelief | 1 | died |
1 | didn't | 1 | depth | 1 | decided |
1 | days | 1 | dated | 1 | dad |
1 | crawled | 1 | college | 1 | colleague |
1 | coincidentally | 1 | coach | 1 | closer |
1 | close | 1 | cleared | 1 | change |
1 | carried | 1 | came | 1 | brothers |
1 | boys | 1 | better | 1 | best |
1 | began | 1 | before | 1 | because |
1 | became | 1 | back | 1 | audience |
1 | attended | 1 | around | 1 | arms |
1 | are | 1 | anyone | 1 | another |
1 | an | 1 | amount | 1 | am |
1 | always | 1 | again | 1 | afternoon |
1 | adored | 1 | actions |