English Usage

English Usage | Verbos de Negação transferida (verbs of transferred negation)

Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

Quando usamos verbos que exprimem opinião, como thinkexpectbelievesupposeimagine, e de percepção (appearseemfeellooksound as if), para introduzir ideias negativas, a negativa deve ser colocada no verbo introdutório (o que aparece primeiro).

Por exemplo, não é correto dizer:

I think you haven’t seen this

O mais apropriado é dizer:

I don’t think you have seen this.

Outros exemplos:

I believe she’s not at home
I don’t believe she’s at home

I think you are not right
I don’t think you are right.

I believe he won’t come
I don’t believe he will come.

It seems that they don’t know where to go
It doesn’t seem that they know where to go.

It appears that we won’t have a sunny day tomorrow.
It doesn’t appear that we’ll have a sunny day tomorrow.

Como tudo na língua inglesa, também existem exceções a esta regra. Esta regra não se aplica ao verbo hope:

I hope their marriage won’t happen.

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