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Flowers for Mother's Day | Flores para o Dia das Mães |
When my husband calmly announced that, after eleven years of marriage, he had filed for our divorce and was moving out of the house, my first thought was to my children. | Quando meu marido anunciou calmamente que, após onze anos de casamento, havia dado entrada em nosso divórcio e estava saindo de casa, meu primeiro pensamento foi para os meus filhos. |
The boy was only five and the girl was four. | O menino tinha apenas cinco anos e a menina, quatro. |
Could I keep us together and give them a sense of "family"? | Será que eu conseguiria nos manter unidos e passar para eles um sentido de "família"? |
Would I, raising them alone, be able to maintain our home and teach them the ethics and values they would surely need for life? | Será que eu, criando-os sozinha, conseguiria manter o nosso lar e ensinar-lhes a ética e os valores dos quais certamente precisariam para a vida? |
The only thing I knew was that I had to try. | A única coisa que eu sabia era que precisava tentar. |
We attended church every Sunday. | Freqüentávamos a igreja todos os domingos. |
During the week, I made time to review their homework with them, and we often discussed the importance of doing the right things. | Durante a semana, eu arranjava tempo para rever os deveres de casa com eles e, freqüentemente, discutíamos a importância de fazermos as coisas certas. |
It took up time and energy when I had little of both to give. | Isso me tomava tempo e energia quando eu tinha pouco de ambos para dar. |
But the worst thing was not knowing if they were really absorbing it all. | Mas o pior era não saber se realmente estavam absorvendo tudo aquilo tudo. |
As we entered the church on Mother's Day, two years after the divorce, I noticed carts full of vases with the most beautiful flowers lining the altar. | Ao entrarmos na igreja no Dia das Mães, dois anos após o divórcio, notei carrocinhas cheias de vasos com os as mais lindas flores ladeando o altar. |
During the sermon, the pastor said that, in his view, being a mother was one of the most difficult tasks in life and that it deserved both recognition and reward. | Durante o sermão, o pastor disse que, a seu ver, ser mãe era uma das tarefas mais difíceis da vida e que merecia não só reconhecimento como, também, recompensa. |
So, he asked each child to go to the front of the church to choose a beautiful flower and give it to their mother as a symbol of how much they were loved and cherished. | Assim, pediu que cada criança fosse até a frente da igreja para escolher uma linda flor e entrega-la à mãe como símbolo do quanto era amada e estimada. |
Hand in hand, my son and daughter walked down the hall with the other children. | De mãos dadas, meu filho e minha filha percorreram o corredor com as outras crianças. |
Together they reflected on which plant to bring to me. | Juntos, refletiram sobre qual planta trazer para mim. |
We had been through very difficult times and this small gesture of appreciation was all I needed. | Nós havíamos passado momentos muito difíceis e esse pequeno gesto de valorização era tudo que eu precisava. |
I looked at those beautiful begonias and golden daisies and violet pansies and began to plan where to plant whatever they chose for me, as they would surely bring a beautiful flower as a token of their love. | Olhei aquelas lindas begônias, as margaridas douradas e os amores-perfeitos violetas e pus-me a planejar onde plantar o que quer que escolhessem para mim, pois certamente trariam uma linda flor como demonstração do seu amor. |
My children took the task very seriously and looked at each vase. | Meus filhos levaram a tarefa muito a sério e olharam cada vaso. |
Long after the other children had returned to their seats and presented their mothers with a beautiful flower, my two were still choosing. | Muito depois de as outras crianças já terem retornado aos seus lugares e presenteado suas mães com uma linda flor, meus dois ainda escolhiam. |
Finally, with a cry of joy, they found something deep inside. | Finalmente, com um grito de alegria, acharam algo bem no fundo. |
With exuberant smiles lighting their faces, they happily walked down the aisle to where I was sitting and presented me with the plant they had chosen as a show of their appreciation for me on Mother's Day. | Com sorrisos exuberantes a iluminar seus rostos, avançaram satisfeitos pelo corredor até onde eu estava sentada e me presentearam com a planta que haviam escolhido como demonstração de seu apreço por mim pelo Dia das Mães. |
I stared in amazement at that little torn, withered and sickly being that my son was holding out towards me. | Fiquei olhando estarrecida para aquele pequeno ser roto, murcho e doentio que meu filho estendia em minha direção. |
Distressed, I accepted the vase from his hands. | Aflita aceitei o vaso de suas mãos. |
It was obvious that the two of them had chosen the smallest plant, the sickest of all - it didn't even have a flower. | Era óbvio que os dois haviam escolhido a menor planta, a mais doente de todas - nem flor tinha. |
Looking at their smiling faces, I realized how proud they were of that choice and, knowing how long it took to select that particular plant, I smiled and accepted the gift. | Olhando para seus rostinhos sorridentes, percebi o orgulho que sentiam daquela escolha e, sabendo o quanto haviam demorado para selecionar aquela planta em especial, sorri e aceitei o presente. |
Later, however, I had to ask - of all those wonderful flowers, what had made them choose just that one to give me? | Mais tarde, no entanto, tive de perguntar - de todas aquelas flores maravilhosas, o que os havia feito escolher justamente aquela para me dar? |
All proud, my son declared: | Todo orgulhoso, meu filho declarou: |
"That one looked like she needed you, Mom." | "É que aquela parecia precisar de você, mamãe." |
As the tears streamed down my face, I hugged my two children tight. | Enquanto as lágrimas escorriam pelo meu rosto, abracei meus dois filhos, bem apertado. |
They had just given me the greatest Mother's Day gift they could ever have imagined. | Eles acabavam de me dar o maior presente de Dia das Mães que jamais poderiam ter imaginado. |
All my work and sacrifice had not been in vain - they were going to grow up perfectly fine. | Todo o meu trabalho e sacrifício não havia sido em vão - eles iam crescer perfeitamente bem. |
Patrícia A. Rinaldi Histórias para Aquecer o Coração das Mães Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen e outros Editora Sextante |
Contagem de palavras
A tabela abaixo exibe as palavras encontradas neste texto bem como o número de vezes em que aparecem.
Veja também: Para que serve esta tabela?
Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra |
31 | the | 23 | and | 19 | to |
17 | of | 16 | I | 13 | they |
11 | was | 11 | that | 11 | my |
11 | had | 10 | a | 8 | their |
7 | with | 7 | me | 7 | it |
6 | them | 6 | as | 6 | all |
5 | were | 5 | plant | 5 | in |
5 | for | 5 | children | 5 | beautiful |
4 | we | 4 | two | 4 | mother's |
4 | give | 4 | flower | 4 | day |
4 | at | 3 | would | 3 | took |
3 | son | 3 | one | 3 | on |
3 | looked | 3 | how | 3 | flowers |
3 | down | 3 | church | 3 | after |
2 | years | 2 | where | 2 | when |
2 | walked | 2 | very | 2 | vase |
2 | up | 2 | together | 2 | time |
2 | those | 2 | thing | 2 | surely |
2 | proud | 2 | presented | 2 | out |
2 | our | 2 | other | 2 | only |
2 | not | 2 | needed | 2 | mother |
2 | most | 2 | made | 2 | long |
2 | little | 2 | life | 2 | knowing |
2 | just | 2 | his | 2 | he |
2 | have | 2 | hand | 2 | gift |
2 | faces | 2 | each | 2 | during |
2 | divorce | 2 | difficult | 2 | could |
2 | chosen | 2 | choose | 2 | bring |
2 | both | 2 | being | 2 | been |
2 | appreciation | 2 | accepted | 1 | you |
1 | worst | 1 | work | 1 | wonderful |
1 | withered | 1 | which | 1 | whatever |
1 | what | 1 | week | 1 | violet |
1 | view | 1 | vases | 1 | values |
1 | vain | 1 | us | 1 | try |
1 | towards | 1 | torn | 1 | token |
1 | times | 1 | tight | 1 | through |
1 | thought | 1 | this | 1 | things |
1 | tears | 1 | teach | 1 | tasks |
1 | task | 1 | symbol | 1 | sunday |
1 | streamed | 1 | still | 1 | stared |
1 | something | 1 | so | 1 | smiling |
1 | smiles | 1 | smiled | 1 | smallest |
1 | small | 1 | sitting | 1 | sickly |
1 | sickest | 1 | show | 1 | she |
1 | sermon | 1 | seriously | 1 | sense |
1 | select | 1 | seats | 1 | said |
1 | sacrifice | 1 | right | 1 | reward |
1 | review | 1 | returned | 1 | reflected |
1 | recognition | 1 | really | 1 | realized |
1 | raising | 1 | plan | 1 | perfectly |
1 | pastor | 1 | particular | 1 | pansies |
1 | often | 1 | obvious | 1 | noticed |
1 | need | 1 | much | 1 | moving |
1 | mothers | 1 | mom | 1 | marriage |
1 | maintain | 1 | loved | 1 | love |
1 | looking | 1 | lining | 1 | like |
1 | lighting | 1 | later | 1 | knew |
1 | keep | 1 | joy | 1 | inside |
1 | importance | 1 | imagined | 1 | if |
1 | husband | 1 | hugged | 1 | however |
1 | house | 1 | homework | 1 | home |
1 | holding | 1 | happily | 1 | hands |
1 | hall | 1 | grow | 1 | greatest |
1 | golden | 1 | going | 1 | go |
1 | given | 1 | girl | 1 | gesture |
1 | full | 1 | front | 1 | from |
1 | four | 1 | found | 1 | five |
1 | first | 1 | fine | 1 | finally |
1 | filed | 1 | family | 1 | face |
1 | exuberant | 1 | every | 1 | ever |
1 | even | 1 | ethics | 1 | entered |
1 | energy | 1 | eleven | 1 | doing |
1 | distressed | 1 | discussed | 1 | didn't |
1 | deserved | 1 | deep | 1 | declared |
1 | daughter | 1 | daisies | 1 | cry |
1 | chose | 1 | choosing | 1 | choice |
1 | child | 1 | cherished | 1 | carts |
1 | calmly | 1 | but | 1 | boy |
1 | begonias | 1 | began | 1 | be |
1 | attended | 1 | asked | 1 | ask |
1 | announced | 1 | amazement | 1 | altar |
1 | alone | 1 | aisle | 1 | absorbing |
1 | able |