Photo by Krzysztof Niewolny on Unsplash
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English Transcript | Tradução |
What is Love? | O que é o Amor? |
In a classroom, there were several children. | Numa sala de aula, havia várias crianças. |
One of them asked the teacher: "Teacher, what is love?" | Uma delas perguntou à professora: "Professora, o que é o amor?" |
The teacher felt that the child deserved an answer worthy of the intelligent question she had asked. | A professora sentiu que a criança merecia uma resposta à altura da pergunta inteligente que fizera. |
As it was already time for recess, she asked each student to take a walk around the schoolyard and bring what most aroused the feeling of love in him. | Como já estava na hora do recreio, pediu para que cada aluno desse uma volta pelo pátio da escola e trouxesse o que mais despertasse nele o sentimento de amor. |
The children hurriedly left, and when they returned, the teacher said, "I want everyone to show what you brought." | As crianças saíram apressadas e, ao voltarem, a professora disse: "Quero que cada um mostre o que trouxe consigo." |
The first child said, "I brought this flower, isn't it beautiful?" | A primeira criança disse: "Eu trouxe esta flor, não é linda?" |
The second child said, "I brought this butterfly. Look at the color of its wings, I'll put it in my collection." | A segunda criança falou: "Eu trouxe esta borboleta. Veja o colorido de suas asas, vou colocá-la em minha coleção." |
The third child added: "I brought this baby bird. It had fallen out of the nest with another brother. Isn't it cute?" | A terceira criança completou: "Eu trouxe este filhote de passarinho. Ele havia caído do ninho junto com outro irmão. Não é uma gracinha?" |
And so the children reported what they had brought. | E assim as crianças foram relatando o que haviam trazido. |
After the exposition was over, the teacher noticed that there was a child who had been quiet all the time. | Terminada a exposição, a professora notou que havia uma criança que tinha ficado quieta o tempo todo. |
She was red with embarrassment, as she had brought nothing. | Ela estava vermelha de vergonha, pois nada havia trazido. |
The teacher addressed her and asked: "Honey, why didn't you bring anything?" | A professora se dirigiu a ela e perguntou: "Meu bem, por que você nada trouxe?" |
And the child shyly replied: "Sorry, teacher. I saw the flower and smelled its perfume. I thought about pulling it out, but I preferred to leave it so that its perfume would exhale longer. I also saw the butterfly, light, colorful. She looked so happy that I didn't have the courage to imprison her. I also saw the little bird lying among the leaves, but as I climbed the tree, I noticed the sad look on its mother's face and I preferred to return it to the nest. So teacher, I bring with me the scent of the flower, the feeling of freedom of the butterfly and the gratitude I felt in the eyes of the bird's mother. How can I show what I brought?" | E a criança timidamente respondeu: "Desculpe, professora. Vi a flor e senti o seu perfume. Pensei em arrancá-la, mas preferi deixá-la para que seu perfume exalasse por mais tempo. Vi também a borboleta, leve, colorida. Ela parecia tão feliz que não tive coragem de aprisioná-la. Vi também o passarinho caído entre as folhas, mas, ao subir na árvore, notei o olhar triste de sua mãe e preferi devolvê-lo ao ninho. Portanto professora, trago comigo o perfume da flor, a sensação de liberdade da borboleta e a gratidão que senti nos olhos da mãe do passarinho. Como posso mostrar o que trouxe?" |
The teacher thanked the child and gave her the highest grade, because she was the only one who realized that we can carry love in our hearts. | A professora agradeceu a criança e lhe deu nota máxima, pois ela fora a única que percebera que só podemos trazer o amor no coração. |
Contagem de palavras
A tabela abaixo exibe as palavras encontradas neste vídeo bem como o número de vezes em que aparecem.
Veja também: Para que serve esta tabela?
Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra |
38 | the | 17 | I | 9 | teacher |
9 | of | 9 | and | 8 | it |
7 | child | 7 | brought | 6 | what |
6 | to | 6 | she | 5 | was |
5 | that | 5 | in | 5 | had |
4 | so | 4 | love | 4 | its |
4 | asked | 3 | with | 3 | this |
3 | saw | 3 | said | 3 | her |
3 | flower | 3 | children | 3 | butterfly |
3 | bring | 3 | as | 3 | a |
2 | you | 2 | who | 2 | time |
2 | they | 2 | there | 2 | show |
2 | preferred | 2 | perfume | 2 | out |
2 | one | 2 | noticed | 2 | nest |
2 | look | 2 | isn't | 2 | is |
2 | felt | 2 | feeling | 2 | didn't |
2 | can | 2 | but | 2 | bird |
2 | also | 1 | would | 1 | worthy |
1 | wings | 1 | why | 1 | when |
1 | were | 1 | we | 1 | want |
1 | walk | 1 | tree | 1 | thought |
1 | third | 1 | them | 1 | thanked |
1 | take | 1 | student | 1 | sorry |
1 | smelled | 1 | shyly | 1 | several |
1 | second | 1 | schoolyard | 1 | scent |
1 | sad | 1 | returned | 1 | return |
1 | reported | 1 | replied | 1 | red |
1 | recess | 1 | realized | 1 | quiet |
1 | question | 1 | put | 1 | pulling |
1 | over | 1 | our | 1 | only |
1 | on | 1 | nothing | 1 | my |
1 | mother's | 1 | mother | 1 | most |
1 | me | 1 | lying | 1 | looked |
1 | longer | 1 | little | 1 | light |
1 | left | 1 | leaves | 1 | leave |
1 | intelligent | 1 | imprison | 1 | I'll |
1 | hurriedly | 1 | how | 1 | honey |
1 | him | 1 | highest | 1 | hearts |
1 | have | 1 | happy | 1 | gratitude |
1 | grade | 1 | gave | 1 | freedom |
1 | for | 1 | first | 1 | fallen |
1 | face | 1 | eyes | 1 | exposition |
1 | exhale | 1 | everyone | 1 | embarrassment |
1 | each | 1 | deserved | 1 | cute |
1 | courage | 1 | colorful | 1 | color |
1 | collection | 1 | climbed | 1 | classroom |
1 | carry | 1 | brother | 1 | bird's |
1 | been | 1 | because | 1 | beautiful |
1 | baby | 1 | at | 1 | aroused |
1 | around | 1 | anything | 1 | answer |
1 | another | 1 | an | 1 | among |
1 | already | 1 | all | 1 | after |
1 | addressed | 1 | added | 1 | about |