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English Transcript | Tradução |
Make a difference | Fazer a Diferença |
Mrs. Tereza reported that, on her first day of class, stopped in front of her fifth-grade students and, like all the other teachers, told them that she liked everyone equally. | Relata a Sra. Teresa, que no seu primeiro dia de aula parou em frente aos seus alunos da quinta série primária e como todos os demais professores, lhes disse que gostava de todos por igual. |
However, she knew that this was almost impossible, as in the front row sat a little boy named Ricardo. | No entanto, ela sabia que isto era quase impossível, já que na primeira fila estava sentado um pequeno garoto chamado Ricardo. |
The teacher had observed that he did not get along with his classmates and that his clothes were often dirty and smelled bad. | A professora havia observado que ele não se dava bem com os colegas de classe e muitas vezes suas roupas estavam sujas e cheiravam mal. |
There were even moments when she took pleasure in giving him red marks when correcting his tests and assignments. | Houve até momentos em que ela sentia prazer em lhe dar notas vermelhas ao corrigir suas provas e trabalhos. |
At the beginning of the school year, each teacher was asked to carefully read the students' school records, in order to get acquainted with each year's notes. | Ao iniciar o ano letivo, era solicitado a cada professor que lesse com atenção a ficha escolar dos alunos, para tomar conhecimento das anotações feitas em cada ano. |
Mrs. Tereza left Ricardo's file for last. | A Sra. Teresa deixou a ficha de Ricardo por último. |
But when she read it, she was very surprised. | Mas quando a leu foi grande a sua surpresa. |
Ricardo's first-year school teacher had noted the following: | A professora do primeiro ano escolar de Ricardo havia anotado o seguinte: |
Ricardo is a bright and friendly boy. His works are always in order and very clear. He has good manners and is very pleasant to be around him. | Ricardo é um menino brilhante e simpático. Seus trabalhos sempre estão em ordem e muito nítidos. Tem bons modos e é muito agradável estar perto dele. |
The second grade teacher wrote: | A professora do segundo ano escreveu : |
Ricardo is an excellent student and very dear to his colleagues, but he has been worried about his mother, who has a serious illness and has been given up by doctors. Life at home must be very difficult. | Ricardo é um aluno excelente e muito querido por seus colegas, mas tem estado preocupado com sua mãe, que está com uma doença grave e desenganada pelos médicos. A vida em seu lar deve estar sendo muito difícil.// |
The third year teacher had the following note: | Da professora do terceiro ano constava a seguinte anotação: |
His mother's death was a very hard blow for Ricardo. He tries to do his best, but his father has no interest and soon his life will be ruined if no one takes steps to help him. | A morte de sua mãe foi um golpe muito duro para Ricardo. Ele procura fazer o melhor, mas seu pai não tem nenhum interesse e logo sua vida será prejudicada se ninguém tomar providências para ajudá-lo. |
The fourth grade teacher wrote: | A professora do quarto ano escreveu : |
Ricardo is very distracted and shows no interest in his studies. He has few friends and often sleeps in the classroom. | Ricardo anda muito distraído e não mostra interesse algum pelos estudos. Tem poucos amigos e muitas vezes dorme na sala de aula. |
Mrs. Tereza realized the problem and was terribly embarrassed. | A Sra. Tereza se deu conta do problema e ficou terrivelmente envergonhada. |
She felt even worse when she remembered the Christmas presents the students had given her, wrapped in colored paper, except Ricardo's, which was wrapped in brown supermarket paper. | Sentiu-se ainda pior quando lembrou dos presentes de Natal que os alunos lhe haviam dado, envoltos em papéis coloridos, exceto o de Ricardo, que estava enrolado num papel marrom de supermercado. |
She remembers opening the package sadly, while the other boys laughed at the sight of a bracelet missing some stones and a half-empty bottle of perfume. | Lembra-se de que abriu o pacote com tristeza, enquanto os outros garotos riam ao ver uma pulseira faltando algumas pedras e um vidro de perfume pela metade. |
Despite the jokes, she said the gift was precious and put the bracelet on her arm and a little perfume on her hand. | Apesar das piadas ela disse que o presente era precioso e pôs a pulseira no braço e um pouco de perfume sobre a mão. |
On that occasion, Ricardo stayed a little longer than usual at school. | Naquela ocasião, Ricardo ficou um pouco mais de tempo na escola do que o de costume. |
She also remembered that Ricardo told her that she smelled like her mother. | Lembrou-se ainda, que Ricardo lhe disse que ela estava cheirosa como sua mãe. |
That day, after everyone left, Tereza cried for a long time... | Naquele dia, depois que todos se foram, Tereza chorou por longo tempo... |
Then she decided to change her way of teaching and began to pay more attention to his students, especially Ricardo. | Em seguida, decidiu-se a mudar sua maneira de ensinar e passou a dar mais atenção aos seus alunos, especialmente a Ricardo. |
As time passed, she noticed that the boy only got better. | Com o passar do tempo ela notou que o garoto só melhorava. |
And the more she gave him affection and attention, the more he became excited. | E quanto mais ela lhe dava carinho e atenção, mais ele se animava. |
At the end of the school year, Ricardo came out as the best in his class. | Ao finalizar o ano letivo, Ricardo saiu como o melhor da classe. |
A year later Mrs. Tereza received a message in which Ricardo told her that she was the best teacher he had ever had. | Um ano mais tarde a Sra. Tereza recebeu uma mensagem em que Ricardo lhe dizia que ela era a melhor professora que teve na vida. |
Six years later, she received another letter from Ricardo telling her that he had finished high school and that she was still the best teacher he had ever had. | Seis anos depois, recebeu outra carta de Ricardo contando que havia concluído o segundo grau e que ela continuava sendo a melhor professora que tivera. |
The news repeated itself until one day, she received a letter signed by Dr. Ricardo Stoddard, a former student of hers, better known as Ricardo. | As notícias se repetiram até que um dia, ela recebeu uma carta assinada pelo Dr. Ricardo Stoddard, seu antigo aluno, mais conhecido como Ricardo. |
But the story did not end here. | Mas a história não terminou aqui. |
Mrs. Tereza received another letter, in which Ricardo invited her to his wedding and announced the death of his father. | A Sra. Tereza recebeu outra carta, em que Ricardo a convidava para seu casamento e noticiava a morte de seu pai. |
She accepted the invitation and on his wedding day, she was wearing the bracelet she got from Ricardo years before, and also the perfume. | Ela aceitou o convite e no dia do casamento, estava usando a pulseira que ganhou de Ricardo anos antes, e também o perfume. |
When the two met, they embraced for a long time and Ricardo said in her ear: | Quando os dois se encontraram, abraçaram-se por longo tempo e Ricardo lhe disse ao ouvido: |
Thank you for believing in me and making me feel important, showing me that I can make a difference. | Obrigado por acreditar em mim e me fazer sentir importante, demonstrando-me que posso fazer a diferença. |
But she, with her eyes bathed in tears, whispered softly: | Mas ela, com os olhos banhados em pranto sussurrou baixinho: |
You are mistaken! It was you who taught me that I could make a difference, after all I didn't know how to teach until I met you. | Você está enganado! Foi você quem me ensinou que eu podia fazer a diferença, afinal eu não sabia ensinar até que o conheci. |
More than teaching reading and writing, explaining mathematics and other subjects, it is necessary to listen to the silent appeals that echo in the student's soul. | Mais do que ensinar a ler e escrever, explicar matemática e outras matérias, é preciso ouvir os apelos silenciosos que ecoam na alma do educando. |
More than evaluating tests and giving grades, it is important to teach with love, showing that it is always possible to make a difference... | Mais do que avaliar provas e dar notas, é importante ensinar com amor, mostrando que sempre é possível fazer a diferença... |
Contagem de palavras
A tabela abaixo exibe as palavras encontradas neste texto, bem como o número de vezes em que aparecem.
Veja também: Para que serve esta tabela?
Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra |
38 | the | 28 | and | 22 | she |
18 | a | 17 | that | 16 | ricardo |
16 | in | 16 | his | 15 | to |
13 | her | 11 | was | 9 | of |
9 | he | 9 | had | 8 | teacher |
7 | very | 7 | is | 6 | tereza |
6 | school | 6 | has | 5 | year |
5 | when | 5 | on | 5 | mrs |
5 | more | 5 | it | 5 | for |
5 | but | 5 | at | 4 | you |
4 | with | 4 | received | 4 | me |
4 | make | 4 | I | 4 | him |
4 | difference | 4 | day | 4 | best |
4 | as | 3 | which | 3 | told |
3 | time | 3 | than | 3 | students |
3 | Ricardo's | 3 | perfume | 3 | other |
3 | not | 3 | no | 3 | little |
3 | letter | 3 | grade | 3 | did |
3 | bracelet | 3 | boy | 3 | be |
2 | years | 2 | wrote | 2 | wrapped |
2 | who | 2 | were | 2 | wedding |
2 | until | 2 | tests | 2 | teaching |
2 | teach | 2 | student | 2 | smelled |
2 | showing | 2 | said | 2 | remembered |
2 | read | 2 | paper | 2 | order |
2 | one | 2 | often | 2 | mother |
2 | met | 2 | long | 2 | like |
2 | life | 2 | left | 2 | later |
2 | interest | 2 | important | 2 | got |
2 | giving | 2 | given | 2 | get |
2 | front | 2 | from | 2 | following |
2 | first | 2 | father | 2 | everyone |
2 | ever | 2 | even | 2 | end |
2 | each | 2 | death | 2 | class |
2 | by | 2 | better | 2 | been |
2 | attention | 2 | are | 2 | another |
2 | always | 2 | also | 2 | all |
2 | after | 1 | year's | 1 | writing |
1 | worse | 1 | worried | 1 | works |
1 | will | 1 | whispered | 1 | while |
1 | wearing | 1 | way | 1 | usual |
1 | up | 1 | two | 1 | tries |
1 | took | 1 | this | 1 | third |
1 | they | 1 | there | 1 | then |
1 | them | 1 | thank | 1 | terribly |
1 | telling | 1 | tears | 1 | teachers |
1 | taught | 1 | takes | 1 | surprised |
1 | supermarket | 1 | subjects | 1 | studies |
1 | students' | 1 | student's | 1 | story |
1 | stopped | 1 | stones | 1 | stoddard |
1 | still | 1 | steps | 1 | stayed |
1 | soul | 1 | soon | 1 | some |
1 | softly | 1 | sleeps | 1 | six |
1 | silent | 1 | signed | 1 | sight |
1 | shows | 1 | serious | 1 | second |
1 | sat | 1 | sadly | 1 | ruined |
1 | row | 1 | reported | 1 | repeated |
1 | remembers | 1 | red | 1 | records |
1 | realized | 1 | reading | 1 | put |
1 | problem | 1 | presents | 1 | precious |
1 | possible | 1 | pleasure | 1 | pleasant |
1 | pay | 1 | passed | 1 | package |
1 | out | 1 | opening | 1 | only |
1 | occasion | 1 | observed | 1 | noticed |
1 | notes | 1 | noted | 1 | note |
1 | news | 1 | necessary | 1 | named |
1 | must | 1 | mother's | 1 | moments |
1 | mistaken | 1 | missing | 1 | message |
1 | mathematics | 1 | marks | 1 | manners |
1 | making | 1 | love | 1 | longer |
1 | listen | 1 | liked | 1 | laughed |
1 | last | 1 | known | 1 | know |
1 | knew | 1 | jokes | 1 | itself |
1 | invited | 1 | invitation | 1 | impossible |
1 | illness | 1 | if | 1 | however |
1 | how | 1 | home | 1 | high |
1 | hers | 1 | here | 1 | help |
1 | hard | 1 | hand | 1 | half |
1 | grades | 1 | good | 1 | gift |
1 | gave | 1 | friends | 1 | friendly |
1 | fourth | 1 | former | 1 | finished |
1 | file | 1 | fifth | 1 | few |
1 | felt | 1 | feel | 1 | eyes |
1 | explaining | 1 | excited | 1 | except |
1 | excellent | 1 | evaluating | 1 | especially |
1 | equally | 1 | empty | 1 | embraced |
1 | embarrassed | 1 | echo | 1 | ear |
1 | dr | 1 | doctors | 1 | do |
1 | distracted | 1 | dirty | 1 | difficult |
1 | despite | 1 | decided | 1 | dear |
1 | cried | 1 | could | 1 | correcting |
1 | colored | 1 | colleagues | 1 | clothes |
1 | clear | 1 | classroom | 1 | classmates |
1 | christmas | 1 | change | 1 | carefully |
1 | can | 1 | came | 1 | brown |
1 | bright | 1 | boys | 1 | bottle |
1 | blow | 1 | believing | 1 | beginning |
1 | began | 1 | before | 1 | became |
1 | bathed | 1 | bad | 1 | assignments |
1 | asked | 1 | around | 1 | arm |
1 | appeals | 1 | announced | 1 | an |
1 | along | 1 | almost | 1 | affection |
1 | acquainted | 1 | accepted | 1 | about |