Photo by Jorge Fernández Salas on Unsplash
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English Transcript | Tradução |
Downwind from Flowers, by Lee Paton | A favor do vento das Flores, de Lee Paton |
Several years ago in Seattle, Washington, there lived a 52-year old Tibetan refugee, Tenzin, as I will call him, who was diagnosed with one of the more curable forms of lymphoma. | Muitos anos atrás, em Seattle, Washington, vivia um refugiado tibetano de 52 anos, Tenzin, como vou chamá-lo, que foi diagnosticado com uma das formas mais curáveis de linfoma. |
He was admitted to the hospital and received his first dose of chemotherapy. | Ele foi internado na clínica e recebeu sua primeira dose de quimioterapia. |
But during the treatment, this usually gentle man became extremely angry and upset. | Mas durante o tratamento, esse homem geralmente gentil ficou extremamente irritado e chateado. |
He pulled the IV out of his arm and refused to cooperate. | Ele puxou a intravenosa de seu braço e se recusou a cooperar. |
He shouted at the nurses and became argumentative with everyone who came near him. | Ele gritou com as enfermeiras e começou a discutir com todos que se aproximavam dele. |
The doctors and nurses were baffled. | Os médicos e enfermeiros ficaram perplexos. |
Then Tenzin's wife spoke to the hospital staff. | Então a esposa de Tenzin falou com a equipe da clínica. |
She told them Tenzin had been held as a political prisoner by the Chinese for 17 years. | Ela disse a eles que Tenzin havia sido mantido como prisioneiro político pelos chineses por 17 anos. |
They killed his first wife and repeatedly tortured and brutalized him throughout his imprisonment. | Eles mataram sua primeira esposa e repetidamente o torturaram e brutalizaram durante sua prisão. |
She told them that the hospital rules and regulations, coupled with the chemotherapy treatments, gave Tenzin horrible flashbacks of what had suffered at the hands of the Chinese. | Ela disse a eles que as regras e regulamentos da clínica, juntamente com os tratamentos de quimioterapia, deram a Tenzin flashbacks horríveis do que havia sofrido nas mãos dos chineses. |
"I know you mean to help him," she said, "but he feels tortured by your treatments." | "Eu sei que você pretende ajudá-lo", disse ela, "mas ele se sente torturado por seus tratamentos." |
"They are causing him to feel hatred inside ~ just like he felt toward the Chinese." | "Os tratamentos estão fazendo com que ele sinta ódio por dentro, assim como sentia pelos chineses." |
"He would rather die than have to live with the hatred he is now feeling." | "Ele prefere morrer do que ter que viver com o ódio que está sentindo agora." |
"And, according to our belief, it is very bad to have hatred in your heart at the time of death." | "E, de acordo com nossa crença, é muito ruim ter ódio em seu coração na hora da morte." |
"He needs to be able to pray and cleanse his heart." | "Ele precisa ser capaz de orar e limpar seu coração." |
So the doctors discharged Tenzin and asked the hospice team to visit him in his home. | Os médicos então deram alta a Tenzin e pediram à equipe da clínica para visitá-lo em sua casa. |
I was the hospice nurse assigned to his care. | Eu era a enfermeira da clínica designada para cuidar dele. |
I called a local representative from Amnesty International for advice. | Liguei para um representante local da Anistia Internacional para pedir conselhos. |
He told me that the only way to heal the damage from torture is to "talk it through. | Ele me disse que a única maneira de curar os danos da tortura é "conversar sobre isso". |
This person has lost his trust in humanity and feels hope is impossible," the man said. | Esta pessoa perdeu sua confiança na humanidade e sente que a esperança é impossível", disse o homem. |
"If you are to help him, you must find a way to give him hope." | "Se você vai ajudá-lo, deve encontrar uma maneira de dar-lhe esperança." |
But when I encouraged Tenzin to talk about his experiences, he held up his hand and stopped me. | Mas quando encorajei Tenzin a falar sobre suas experiências, ele ergueu a mão e me parou. |
He said: | Ele disse: |
"I must learn to love again if I am to heal my soul." | "Devo aprender a amar novamente se quiser curar minha alma." |
"Your job is not to ask me questions." | "Seu trabalho não é me fazer perguntas." |
"Your job is to teach me to love again." | "Seu trabalho é me ensinar a amar novamente." |
I took a deep breath. | Eu respirei fundo. |
I asked him: | Perguntei a ele: |
"So, how can I help you love again?" | "Então, como posso ajudá-lo a amar de novo?" |
Tenzin immediately replied: | Tenzin respondeu imediatamente: |
"Sit down, drink my tea and eat my cookies." | "Sente-se, beba meu chá e coma meus biscoitos". |
Tibetan tea is strong black tea laced with yak butter and salt. | O chá tibetano é um chá preto forte misturado com manteiga de iaque e sal. |
It isn't easy to drink! | Não é fácil de beber! |
But that is what I did. | Mas foi isso que eu fiz. |
For several weeks, Tenzin, his wife, and I sat together, drinking tea. | Por várias semanas, Tenzin, sua esposa e eu sentamos juntos, tomando chá. |
We also worked with his doctors to find ways to treat his physical pain. | Também trabalhamos com seus médicos para encontrar maneiras de tratar sua dor física. |
But it was his spiritual pain that seemed to be lessening. | Mas era sua dor espiritual que parecia estar diminuindo. |
Each time I arrived, Tenzin was sitting cross-legged on his bed, reciting prayers from his books. | Cada vez que eu chegava, Tenzin estava sentado de pernas cruzadas em sua cama, recitando orações de seus livros. |
As time went on, he and his wife hung more and more colorful "thankas," Tibetan Buddhist banners, on the walls. | Com o passar do tempo, ele e sua esposa penduraram mais e mais "thankas" coloridos, bandeiras budistas tibetanas, nas paredes. |
The room was fast becoming a beautiful, religious shrine. | A sala estava rapidamente se tornando um belo santuário religioso. |
When the spring came, I asked Tenzin what Tibetans do when they are ill in the spring. | Quando a primavera chegou, perguntei a Tenzin o que os tibetanos fazem quando ficam doentes na primavera. |
He smiled brightly and said: | Ele sorriu radiantemente e disse: |
"We sit downwind from flowers." | "Nós nos sentamos a favor do vento das flores." |
I thought he must be speaking poetically. | Achei que ele estava falando poeticamente. |
But Tenzin's words were quite literal. | Mas as palavras de Tenzin eram bastante literais. |
He told me Tibetans sit downwind so they can be dusted with the new blossoms' pollen that floats on the spring breeze. | Ele me disse que os tibetanos sentam-se a favor do vento para que possam ser polvilhados com o pólen das novas flores que flutuam na brisa da primavera. |
They feel this new pollen is strong medicine. | Eles sentem que este novo pólen é um remédio forte. |
At first, finding enough blossoms seemed a bit daunting. | No começo, encontrar flores suficientes parecia um pouco assustador. |
Then, one of my friends suggested that Tenzin visit some of the local flower nurseries. | Então, um dos meus amigos sugeriu que Tenzin visitasse algumas das floriculturas locais. |
I called the manager of one of the nurseries and explained the situation. | Liguei para o gerente de uma das floriculturas e expliquei a situação. |
The manager's initial response was: | A resposta inicial do gerente foi: |
"You want to do what?" | "Você quer fazer o quê?" |
But when I explained the request, the manager agreed. | Mas quando expliquei o pedido, o gerente concordou. |
So, the next weekend, I picked up Tenzin and his wife with their provisions for the afternoon: black tea, butter, salt, cups, cookies, prayer beads and prayer books. | Então, no fim de semana seguinte, peguei Tenzin e sua esposa com suas provisões para a tarde: chá preto, manteiga, sal, xícaras, biscoitos, contas de oração e livros de orações. |
I dropped them off at the nursery and assured them I would return at 5:00. | Deixei-os na floricultura e garanti-lhes que voltaria às 17h. |
The following weekend, Tenzin and his wife visited another nursery. | No fim de semana seguinte, Tenzin e sua esposa visitaram outra floricultura. |
The third weekend, they went to yet another nursery. | No terceiro fim de semana, eles foram para outra floricultura. |
The fourth week, I began to get calls from the nurseries inviting Tenzin and his wife to come again. | Na quarta semana, comecei a receber ligações das floriculturas convidando Tenzin e sua esposa a voltarem. |
One of the managers said: | Um dos gerentes disse: |
"We've got a new shipment of nicotiana coming in and some wonderful fuchsias and oh, yes! Some great daphne." | "Temos uma nova remessa de nicotiana chegando e algumas fúcsias maravilhosas e oh, sim! Um ótimo daphne." |
"I know they would love the scent of that daphne! And I almost forgot! We have some new lawn furniture that Tenzin and his wife might enjoy." | "Eu sei que eles adorariam o cheiro daquela daphne! E eu quase esqueci! Temos alguns móveis de jardim novos que Tenzin e sua esposa podem gostar." |
Later that day, I got a call from the second nursery saying that they had colorful wind socks that would help Tenzin predict where the wind was blowing. | Mais tarde naquele dia, recebi uma ligação da segunda floricultura dizendo que eles tinham birutas coloridas que ajudariam Tenzin a prever para onde o vento estava soprando. |
Pretty soon, the nurseries were competing for Tenzin's visits. | Em pouco tempo, as floriculturas estavam competindo pelas visitas de Tenzin. |
People began to know and care about the Tibetan couple. | As pessoas começaram a conhecer e se importar com o casal tibetano. |
The nursery employees started setting out the lawn furniture in the direction of the wind. | Os funcionários das floriculturas começaram a arrumar os móveis do gramado na direção do vento. |
Others would bring out fresh hot water for their tea. | Outros traziam água quente fresca para o chá. |
Some of the regular customers would leave their wagons of flowers near the two of them. | Alguns dos clientes habituais deixavam seus carrinhos de flores perto dos dois. |
At the end of the summer, Tenzin returned to his doctor for another CT scan to determine the extent of the spread of the cancer. | No final do verão, Tenzin voltou ao seu médico para outra tomografia computadorizada para determinar a extensão da propagação do câncer. |
But the doctor could find no evidence of cancer at all. | Mas o médico não conseguiu encontrar nenhuma evidência de câncer. |
He was dumbfounded. | Ele ficou pasmo. |
He told Tenzin that he just couldn't explain it. | Ele disse a Tenzin que simplesmente não conseguia explicar. |
Tenzin lifted his finger and said: | Tenzin levantou o dedo e disse: |
"I know why the cancer has gone away." | "Eu sei por que o câncer foi embora." |
"It could no longer live in a body that is filled with love." | "Ele não poderia mais viver em um corpo cheio de amor." |
"When I began to feel all the compassion from the hospice people, from the nursery employees, and all those people who wanted to know about me, I started to change inside." | "Quando comecei a sentir toda a compaixão do pessoal da clínica, dos funcionários das floriculturas e de todas as pessoas que queriam saber sobre mim, comecei a mudar por dentro." |
"Now, I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to heal in this way." | "Agora, sinto-me afortunado por ter tido a oportunidade de me curar dessa maneira." |
"Doctor, please don't think that your medicine is the only cure." | "Doutor, por favor, não pense que seu remédio é a única cura." |
"Sometimes compassion can cure cancer, as well." | "Às vezes, a compaixão também pode curar o câncer. |
Contagem de palavras
A tabela abaixo exibe as palavras encontradas neste texto, bem como o número de vezes em que aparecem.
Veja também: Para que serve esta tabela?
Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra |
65 | the | 38 | to | 32 | and | 28 | I | 23 | his |
22 | of | 18 | tenzin | 18 | he | 14 | that | 12 | is |
10 | a | 9 | with | 9 | was | 9 | in | 9 | him |
9 | from | 8 | wife | 8 | they | 8 | but | 8 | at |
7 | for | 6 | would | 6 | tea | 6 | said | 6 | nursery |
6 | me | 6 | it | 5 | your | 5 | you | 5 | when |
5 | told | 5 | them | 5 | some | 5 | love | 5 | know |
5 | have | 4 | what | 4 | we | 4 | tibetan | 4 | this |
4 | so | 4 | one | 4 | on | 4 | nurseries | 4 | not |
4 | new | 4 | my | 4 | help | 4 | had | 4 | feel |
4 | cancer | 4 | be | 4 | as | 4 | again | 3 | wind |
3 | who | 3 | were | 3 | weekend | 3 | way | 3 | time |
3 | their | 3 | tenzin's | 3 | spring | 3 | sit | 3 | she |
3 | people | 3 | out | 3 | must | 3 | more | 3 | hospital |
3 | hospice | 3 | heal | 3 | hatred | 3 | flowers | 3 | first |
3 | find | 3 | downwind | 3 | doctors | 3 | doctor | 3 | do |
3 | could | 3 | chinese | 3 | can | 3 | by | 3 | began |
3 | asked | 3 | are | 3 | another | 3 | all | 3 | about |
2 | years | 2 | went | 2 | visit | 2 | up | 2 | treatments |
2 | tortured | 2 | tibetans | 2 | then | 2 | talk | 2 | strong |
2 | started | 2 | several | 2 | seemed | 2 | salt | 2 | prayer |
2 | pollen | 2 | pain | 2 | only | 2 | nurses | 2 | now |
2 | no | 2 | near | 2 | medicine | 2 | manager | 2 | man |
2 | local | 2 | live | 2 | lawn | 2 | just | 2 | job |
2 | inside | 2 | if | 2 | hope | 2 | held | 2 | heart |
2 | has | 2 | got | 2 | furniture | 2 | feels | 2 | explained |
2 | employees | 2 | drink | 2 | daphne | 2 | cure | 2 | cookies |
2 | compassion | 2 | colorful | 2 | chemotherapy | 2 | care | 2 | came |
2 | called | 2 | call | 2 | butter | 2 | books | 2 | black |
2 | became | 1 | yet | 1 | yes | 1 | year | 1 | yak |
1 | worked | 1 | words | 1 | wonderful | 1 | will | 1 | why |
1 | where | 1 | well | 1 | weeks | 1 | week | 1 | ways |
1 | water | 1 | washington | 1 | wanted | 1 | want | 1 | walls |
1 | wagons | 1 | visits | 1 | visited | 1 | very | 1 | usually |
1 | upset | 1 | two | 1 | trust | 1 | treatment | 1 | treat |
1 | toward | 1 | torture | 1 | took | 1 | together | 1 | throughout |
1 | through | 1 | thought | 1 | those | 1 | third | 1 | think |
1 | there | 1 | thankas | 1 | than | 1 | team | 1 | teach |
1 | summer | 1 | suggested | 1 | suffered | 1 | stopped | 1 | staff |
1 | spread | 1 | spoke | 1 | spiritual | 1 | speaking | 1 | soul |
1 | soon | 1 | sometimes | 1 | socks | 1 | smiled | 1 | situation |
1 | sitting | 1 | shrine | 1 | shouted | 1 | shipment | 1 | setting |
1 | second | 1 | seattle | 1 | scent | 1 | scan | 1 | saying |
1 | sat | 1 | rules | 1 | room | 1 | returned | 1 | return |
1 | response | 1 | request | 1 | representative | 1 | replied | 1 | repeatedly |
1 | religious | 1 | regulations | 1 | regular | 1 | refused | 1 | refugee |
1 | reciting | 1 | received | 1 | rather | 1 | quite | 1 | questions |
1 | pulled | 1 | provisions | 1 | prisoner | 1 | pretty | 1 | predict |
1 | prayers | 1 | pray | 1 | political | 1 | poetically | 1 | please |
1 | picked | 1 | physical | 1 | person | 1 | paton | 1 | our |
1 | others | 1 | opportunity | 1 | old | 1 | oh | 1 | off |
1 | nurse | 1 | nicotiana | 1 | next | 1 | needs | 1 | might |
1 | mean | 1 | managers | 1 | manager's | 1 | lymphoma | 1 | lost |
1 | longer | 1 | lived | 1 | literal | 1 | like | 1 | lifted |
1 | lessening | 1 | legged | 1 | lee | 1 | leave | 1 | learn |
1 | later | 1 | laced | 1 | killed | 1 | iv | 1 | inviting |
1 | international | 1 | initial | 1 | imprisonment | 1 | impossible | 1 | immediately |
1 | ill | 1 | hung | 1 | humanity | 1 | how | 1 | hot |
1 | horrible | 1 | /home/queiroz | 1 | home | 1 | hands | 1 | hand |
1 | great | 1 | gone | 1 | give | 1 | get | 1 | gentle |
1 | gave | 1 | fuchsias | 1 | friends | 1 | fresh | 1 | fourth |
1 | fortunate | 1 | forms | 1 | forgot | 1 | following | 1 | flower |
1 | floats | 1 | flashbacks | 1 | finger | 1 | finding | 1 | filled |
1 | felt | 1 | feeling | 1 | fast | 1 | extremely | 1 | extent |
1 | explain | 1 | experiences | 1 | evidence | 1 | everyone | 1 | enough |
1 | enjoy | 1 | end | 1 | encouraged | 1 | eat | 1 | easy |
1 | each | 1 | dusted | 1 | during | 1 | dumbfounded | 1 | dropped |
1 | drinking | 1 | down | 1 | dose | 1 | discharged | 1 | direction |
1 | die | 1 | did | 1 | diagnosed | 1 | determine | 1 | deep |
1 | death | 1 | day | 1 | daunting | 1 | damage | 1 | customers |
1 | curable | 1 | cups | 1 | ct | 1 | cross | 1 | coupled |
1 | couple | 1 | cooperate | 1 | competing | 1 | coming | 1 | come |
1 | cleanse | 1 | change | 1 | causing | 1 | calls | 1 | buddhist |
1 | brutalized | 1 | bring | 1 | brightly | 1 | breeze | 1 | breath |
1 | body | 1 | blowing | 1 | blossoms' | 1 | blossoms | 1 | bit |
1 | belief | 1 | been | 1 | bed | 1 | becoming | 1 | beautiful |
1 | beads | 1 | banners | 1 | baffled | 1 | bad | 1 | away |
1 | assured | 1 | assigned | 1 | ask | 1 | arrived | 1 | arm |
1 | argumentative | 1 | angry | 1 | amnesty | 1 | am | 1 | also |
1 | almost | 1 | agreed | 1 | ago | 1 | afternoon | 1 | advice |
1 | admitted | 1 | according | 1 | able |