Nesta história acompanhamos Denise, que, ao enfrentar uma internação hospitalar pouco antes do Natal, está sobrecarregada com preocupações sobre sua família e as festividades. Cercada por flores e gestos de carinho de amigos e familiares, Denise conhece Giane, sua companheira de quarto, uma mulher com síndrome de Down que, apesar de não receber visitas ou presentes, demonstra uma generosidade genuína ao oferecer seu único enfeite de Natal. Esta tocante história revela como os verdadeiros presentes da vida muitas vezes vêm da capacidade de desapegar e compartilhar, mostrando que a riqueza do espírito não se mede em posses, mas em gestos de amor e solidariedade.
Audio | |
Normal | Slow |
English Transcript | Tradução |
Learning to Let Go | Aprendendo a desprender-se |
Denise had to be hospitalized two weeks before Christmas for surgery, and she was very worried. | Denise precisou ser internada duas semanas antes do Natal, para uma cirurgia, e estava muito preocupada. |
Besides having four children to care for, she was thinking about the shopping, gifts, and decorations to arrange. | Além dos quatro filhos para cuidar, ela pensava nas compras, presentes e enfeites a providenciar. |
When she opened her eyes after sleeping for most of the two days in the hospital following the surgery, she looked around and saw something resembling a flower shop. | Quando abriu os olhos depois de ter dormido grande parte dos dois dias no hospital, após a cirurgia, olhou ao redor e viu algo semelhante a uma floricultura. |
Bouquets of flowers lined the windowsill. | Buquês de flores se enfileiravam sobre o parapeito da janela. |
Cards were piled on the bedside table. | Cartões se empilhavam sobre a mesinha de cabeceira. |
On the shelf above the sink, there was a dozen red roses sent by her parents, who lived in another state. | Na prateleira, acima da pia, havia uma dúzia de rosas vermelhas enviada por seus pais, que moravam em outro estado. |
Her husband told her that friends had prepared meals for the family and offered to take care of the four children. | O marido lhe disse que os amigos haviam preparado refeições para a família e se ofereceram para cuidar das quatro crianças. |
"More flowers," said the nurse, entering the room and interrupting the convalescent's thoughts. | Mais flores, disse a enfermeira, entrando no quarto e interrompendo os pensamentos da convalescente. |
She made space among the other flowers to place another beautiful colorful arrangement. | Ela abriu espaço entre as demais flores, para colocar outro belo arranjo colorido. |
"I think we'll have to send you home," she said with a smile. "We don't have any more space here." | "Acho que vamos ter de mandar a senhora para casa", disse sorridente. "Não temos mais espaço aqui." |
As Denise read the cards, she heard someone say, "I like the flowers." | Enquanto Denise lia os cartões, ouviu alguém dizer: "Gostei das flores." |
It was her roommate, a woman of about 40 years old with Down syndrome. | Era a companheira de quarto, uma mulher de mais ou menos 40 anos, portadora de síndrome de Down. |
Giane liked to talk and never tired of saying that she was there for the doctor to fix her foot. | Giane gostava de falar e não se cansava de dizer que estava ali para que o doutor desse um jeito no seu pé. |
She mentioned that she lived with other people and wanted to return in time to attend the Christmas party. | Contou que morava em companhia de outras pessoas e desejava voltar a tempo para poder participar da festa de Natal. |
While Giane went for surgery, Denise looked around the room. | Enquanto Giane foi para a cirurgia, Denise ficou olhando o quarto. |
Her side was full of flowers. | O seu lado estava florido. |
Giane's side had nothing. | O lado de Giane, nada. |
No cards, no flowers, no visitors. | Nenhum cartão, nenhuma flor, nenhuma visita. |
"I'll offer her some of my flowers," she thought. | "Vou oferecer a ela algumas de minhas flores", pensou. |
She went to the window and chose an arrangement of red flowers. | Foi até a janela e escolheu um arranjo de flores vermelhas. |
But then she remembered that the arrangement would look very nice on her Christmas table. | Mas daí recordou que o arranjo ficaria muito bonito em sua mesa de Natal. |
And the justifications continued: the flowers were starting to wilt, the friend who gave them would be offended, she could decorate the house with that arrangement. | E as justificativas continuaram: as flores estão começando a murchar, a amiga que ofereceu ficaria ofendida, poderia enfeitar a casa com aquele arranjo. |
The result: she couldn't bring herself to share any. | Resultado: ela não conseguiu repartir nenhuma. |
She returned to bed and thought that the next day, when the store opened, she would ask for some flowers to be delivered to Giane. | Voltou para a cama e pensou que no dia seguinte, quando a loja abrisse, iria pedir para que entregassem algumas flores a Giane. |
Giane returned from surgery, and a hospital staff member brought her a wreath of beautiful flowers and hung it above her bed. | Giane voltou da cirurgia e uma funcionária do hospital lhe trouxe uma guirlanda de belas flores e a pendurou acima da sua cama. |
Shortly after breakfast the next morning, the nurse returned to tell Giane that she was going home. | Logo após o café, na manhã seguinte, a enfermeira retornou para dizer a Giane que ela iria para casa. |
The transport was on its way to pick her up. | A condução estava a caminho para buscá-la. |
She was happy because she would arrive in time for the Christmas party. | Ela ficou feliz pois chegaria a tempo para participar da festa de natal. |
She packed her things while Denise felt sad. | Arrumou as suas coisas enquanto Denise se entristeceu. |
The hospital's flower shop would only open in two hours. | A floricultura do hospital só iria abrir dali a duas horas. |
Should she offer one of her flowers? | Será que ela deveria oferecer uma das suas flores? |
Giane put on her coat, sat in the wheelchair to be taken by the nurse. | Giane vestiu seu casaco, sentou-se na cadeira de rodas para ser conduzida pela enfermeira. |
When she was at the door, she asked to return, as if she had forgotten something. | Quando estava na porta, pediu para voltar, como se estivesse esquecido algo. |
She went to her bed, picked up the wreath, approached Denise, and, with some difficulty, hugged her, leaving the decoration in her lap. | Foi até sua cama, apanhou a guirlanda, aproximou-se de Denise e, levantando-se com certa dificuldade, a abraçou, deixando o enfeite em seu colo. |
Then she left. | Depois, se foi. |
As she left the room, Denise couldn't say anything. | Enquanto ela saía do quarto, Denise não conseguiu dizer nada. |
She held the small wreath in her hands, with tears in her eyes. | Segurou a pequena guirlanda nas mãos, com os olhos úmidos. |
The only gift from Giane, and she had offered it to her roommate. | O único presente de Giane e ela o tinha oferecido à companheira de quarto. |
Then Denise understood that Giane had much more than she did. | Então Denise entendeu que Giane possuía muito mais coisas do que ela mesma. |
Contagem de palavras
A tabela abaixo exibe as palavras encontradas neste texto, bem como o número de vezes em que aparecem.
Veja também: Para que serve esta tabela?
Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra |
41 | the | 31 | she | 23 | to |
21 | her | 14 | and | 12 | flowers |
10 | was | 10 | of | 9 | in |
9 | giane | 8 | that | 8 | for |
7 | denise | 6 | with | 6 | had |
6 | a | 5 | would | 5 | on |
4 | surgery | 4 | christmas | 4 | be |
4 | arrangement | 3 | wreath | 3 | when |
3 | went | 3 | two | 3 | then |
3 | some | 3 | s | 3 | room |
3 | returned | 3 | nurse | 3 | not |
3 | no | 3 | more | 3 | it |
3 | I | 3 | hospital | 3 | could |
3 | cards | 3 | bed | 3 | as |
2 | will | 2 | who | 2 | while |
2 | were | 2 | we | 2 | very |
2 | up | 2 | time | 2 | thought |
2 | there | 2 | table | 2 | space |
2 | something | 2 | side | 2 | shop |
2 | say | 2 | said | 2 | roommate |
2 | return | 2 | red | 2 | party |
2 | other | 2 | opened | 2 | only |
2 | offered | 2 | offer | 2 | next |
2 | looked | 2 | lived | 2 | left |
2 | home | 2 | have | 2 | from |
2 | four | 2 | flower | 2 | eyes |
2 | children | 2 | care | 2 | by |
2 | beautiful | 2 | around | 2 | any |
2 | another | 2 | after | 2 | above |
2 | about | 1 | you | 1 | years |
1 | worried | 1 | woman | 1 | windowsill |
1 | window | 1 | wilt | 1 | wheelchair |
1 | weeks | 1 | way | 1 | wanted |
1 | visitors | 1 | understood | 1 | transport |
1 | told | 1 | tired | 1 | thoughts |
1 | thinking | 1 | think | 1 | things |
1 | them | 1 | than | 1 | tell |
1 | tears | 1 | talk | 1 | taken |
1 | take | 1 | syndrome | 1 | store |
1 | state | 1 | starting | 1 | staff |
1 | someone | 1 | smile | 1 | small |
1 | sleeping | 1 | sink | 1 | should |
1 | shortly | 1 | shopping | 1 | shelf |
1 | share | 1 | sent | 1 | send |
1 | saying | 1 | saw | 1 | sat |
1 | sad | 1 | roses | 1 | result |
1 | resembling | 1 | remembered | 1 | read |
1 | put | 1 | prepared | 1 | place |
1 | piled | 1 | picked | 1 | pick |
1 | people | 1 | parents | 1 | packed |
1 | open | 1 | one | 1 | old |
1 | offended | 1 | nothing | 1 | nice |
1 | never | 1 | my | 1 | much |
1 | most | 1 | morning | 1 | mentioned |
1 | member | 1 | meals | 1 | made |
1 | look | 1 | lined | 1 | liked |
1 | like | 1 | let | 1 | leaving |
1 | learning | 1 | lap | 1 | justifications |
1 | its | 1 | interrupting | 1 | if |
1 | husband | 1 | hung | 1 | hugged |
1 | house | 1 | hours | 1 | hospitalized |
1 | herself | 1 | here | 1 | held |
1 | heard | 1 | having | 1 | happy |
1 | hands | 1 | going | 1 | go |
1 | gifts | 1 | gift | 1 | gave |
1 | full | 1 | friends | 1 | friend |
1 | forgotten | 1 | foot | 1 | following |
1 | fix | 1 | felt | 1 | family |
1 | entering | 1 | dozen | 1 | down |
1 | door | 1 | doctor | 1 | do |
1 | difficulty | 1 | did | 1 | delivered |
1 | decorations | 1 | decoration | 1 | decorate |
1 | days | 1 | day | 1 | convalescent |
1 | continued | 1 | colorful | 1 | coat |
1 | chose | 1 | but | 1 | brought |
1 | bring | 1 | breakfast | 1 | bouquets |
1 | besides | 1 | before | 1 | bedside |
1 | because | 1 | attend | 1 | at |
1 | asked | 1 | ask | 1 | arrive |
1 | arrange | 1 | approached | 1 | anything |
1 | an | 1 | among |