Aqui você encontra as gravações em áudio dos textos que integram o livro Conversações em Inglês: Um Guia Prático. Este livro contém 100 textos sobre assuntos de interesse geral, seguidos de 20 perguntas para discussão. O livro pode ser usado como material de apoio em aulas de conversação e também para a prática individual. O livro contém mais de 7.000 palavras únicas e pode servir como uma ferramenta valiosa para a expansão de vocabulário.
- Managing Emotions: Strategies for Emotional Well-being
- Digital Books vs Physical Books: A Comparative Analysis
- Resilience Navigating Life’s Challenges
- The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Job Market
- Recycling: A Complex and Controversial Issue
- Mindfulness and Stress Management Techniques
- Living Lightly: Playfulness Connection and Flow
- Planned Obsolescence: The Hidden Cost of Consumer Culture
- Understanding Cognitive Biases
- Media Manipulation and Click Bait: Navigating the Digital Information Landscape
- Embracing Change
- Self-Criticism and Inner Dialogue
- Space Travel
- The Impact of Stress on Memory
- Universal Basic Income
- Advancements in Renewable Agriculture
- Emotion Recognition Technology
- Goal Setting
- Online Dating
- Home Schooling
- Education and Online Learning
- Travel experiences and dream destinations
- Cultural differences and similarities
- Family traditions and celebrations
- The impact of technology on society
- Reading habits and favorite books
- The importance of learning languages
- The influence of music in our lives
- Movie genres and all-time favorite films
- Personal hobbies and how they shape personalities
- The future of work and remote jobs
- The environment and sustainable living
- Historical events that changed the world
- Healthy habits and the fitness revolution
- The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
- The pursuit of happiness
- Traditional media versus digital media
- Lessons learned from past mistakes
- The evolution of transportation
- The golden age of television
- Artificial Intelligence
- Intelligence in Animals
- Cultural Differences
- The Pareto Principle
- Major achievements and proud moments
- Intelligence Tests
- The Science of Happiness
- The Magic of Storytelling
- Emotional Intelligence
- Family Pets
- Life hacks and productivity tips
- The rise of social media
- Differences between generations
- Popular festivals around the world
- Gender equality and women’s rights
- Space exploration and the possibility of life on other planets
- The animal kingdom and wildlife conservation
- Personal growth and self-improvement
- Globalization and its pros and cons
- Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
- Human rights and global peace
- Innovations that shaped the last century
- Ethical dilemmas in modern science
- The digital age and privacy concerns
- Celebrity culture and its influence on youth
- Memorable life lessons and advice
- Favorite childhood memories
- The role of mentors in personal development
- The future of energy and renewables
- The psychology behind colors
- The wonders of the plant kingdom
- Great inventions and their inventors
- World currencies and their histories
- Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
- The Pros and Cons of Central Bank Digital Currencies
- Cooking and the Art of Gastronomy
- The role of zoos and aquariums in conservation
- The rise of e-sports and gaming culture
- Cult classic movies and their impact
- Futuristic societies and science fiction
- Great explorers and their journeys
- The thrill of roller coasters and theme parks
- Gaslighting
- The Ethics of Genetic Engineering
- The Future of Urban Living Smart Cities
- Challenges of Ocean Conservation
- The Art and Science of Perfume Making
- The Influence of Social Networks on Mental Health
- Ancient Civilizations and Their Innovations
- The Psychology of Persuasion
- Renewable Energy Hydro Wind and Solar Innovations
- The Science of Sleep and its Impact on Health
- Fashion Trends Through the Decades
- The Role of Art in Activism
- The Evolution of Video Games
- A Journey Through World Cuisines
- The Impact of Global Pandemics on Society
- Language Revitalization and Endangered Languages
- The Intersection of Technology and Art
- The Rise and Impact of Podcasts