Crédito da Imagem: Mariusz Kubik, CC BY 2.5
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English Transcript | Tradução |
Irena Sendler : The Mother of the Holocaust Boys | Irena Sendler : A mãe dos meninos do Holocausto |
While the figure of OSCAR SCHINDLER was acclaimed around the world, thanks to Steven Spielberg who was inspired by him to make the film that won 7 Oscars in 1993, chronicling the life of this industrialist who prevented the death of 1,000 Jews in the concentration camps, IRENA SENDLER was an unknown hero outside Poland and only recognized in her country by some historians, as the years of communist obscurantism had erased her achievement from the official history books . | Enquanto a figura de OSCAR SCHINDLER era aclamada por meio mundo, graças a Steven Spielberg que nele se inspirou para fazer o filme que conseguiu 7 Oscars em 1993, narrando a vida deste industrial que evitou a morte de 1.000 judeus nos campos de concentração, IRENA SENDLER era uma heroína desconhecida fora da Polônia e apenas reconhecida no seu país por alguns historiadores, já que os anos de obscurantismo comunista haviam apagado a sua façanha dos livros de história oficiais. |
She never told anyone anything about her life during those years. | Ela nunca contou a ninguém nada da sua vida durante aqueles anos. |
In 1999 her story began to be known thanks to a group of students from a Kansas Institute and their graduation work on the heroes of the Holocaust. | Em 1999 a sua história começou a ser conhecida graças a um grupo de alunos de um Instituto de Kansas e ao seu trabalho de final de curso sobre os heróis do Holocausto. |
The investigation found few references to Irena and there was only one surprising fact: she had saved the lives of 2,500 boys. | Na investigação encontraram poucas referencias sobre Irena e só existia um dado surpreendente: ela tinha salvado a vida de 2.500 meninos. |
How is it possible that there was only this information about a person like that? | Como e possível que só existisse esta informação sobre uma pessoa assim? |
But the biggest surprise came when, after searching for the place of Irena's tomb, they discovered that the tomb did not exist because she still lived, and in fact still lives. | Mas a maior surpresa chegou quando após buscar o lugar da tumba de Irena, descobriram que a tumba não existia porque ela ainda vivia, e de fato ainda vive. |
Today she is a 97-year-old woman who lives in a nursing home in the center of Warsaw in a room where flowers and thank you cards from all over the world are never lacking. | Hoje é uma anciã de 97 anos que reside num asilo no centro de Varsóvia num quarto onde nunca faltam flores e cartões de agradecimento do mundo inteiro. |
When Germany invaded the country in 1939, Irena was a nurse in the Warsaw Department of Social Welfare, where she ran the city's communal dining rooms. | Quando a Alemanha invadiu o país em 1939, Irena era enfermeira no Departamento de Bem-estar Social de Varsóvia, no qual cuidava das salas de jantar comunitárias da cidade. |
In 1942 the Nazis created a "ghetto" in Warsaw and Irena, horrified by the living conditions there, joined the Council for Aid to the Jews. | Em 1942 os nazistas criaram um "ghetto" em Varsóvia e Irena, horrorizada pelas condições de vida naquele lugar, uniu-se ao Conselho para Ajuda aos judeus. |
She got an identification from the sanitary workshop, one of the tasks being the fight against contagious diseases. | Conseguiu identificações da oficina sanitária, sendo que uma das tarefas era a luta contra as doenças contagiosas. |
As the invading Germans were afraid that a typhus epidemic would break out, they accepted that the Poles would control the place. | Como os alemães invasores tinham medo de que se desencadeasse uma epidemia de tifo, aceitavam que os poloneses controlassem o lugar. |
She soon came into contact with families offering to take their children out of the Ghetto. | Logo entrou em contato com famílias às quais oferecia para levar os filhos para fora do Gueto. |
But she couldn't guarantee success. | Mas não podia dar garantias de sucesso. |
It was a horrible moment, she had to convince the parents to give her their children and they asked her: "Can you promise that my son will live?" | Era um momento horroroso, tinha de convencer os pais de que lhe entregassem seus filhos e eles perguntavam-lhe: "Pode prometer que meu filho viverá?" |
What could she promise when she couldn't even know if they could leave the Ghetto? | O que poderia prometer quando nem podia saber se poderiam sair do Gueto? |
And the only sure thing was that the boys would die if they stayed there. | E a única coisa certa era que os meninos morreriam se permanecessem ali. |
The mothers and grandmothers didn't want to be separated from their children and grandchildren. | As mães e as avós não queriam separar-se de filhos e netos. |
IRENA understood them perfectly and at that moment, she was a mother. | IRENA as entendia perfeitamente e naquele momento, ela era mãe. |
Of all the process she carried out with the boys, the hardest was the moment of separation. | De todo o processo que ela levava a cabo com os meninos, o mais duro era o momento da separação. |
Sometimes, when Irena or her companions would visit the families again to try to change their minds, she would learn that they had all been taken to the train that would take them to the death camps, to death. | Algumas vezes, quando Irena ou suas companheiras tornavam a visitar as famílias para tentar faze-las mudar de opinião, ficava sabendo que todos tinham sido levados ao trem que os conduziria aos campos de extermínio, de morte. |
Each time that happened, she fought harder to save the kids. | Cada vez que isso acontecia, ela lutava com mais força para salvar a meninada. |
She started to take them out in ambulances like victims of typhus, but right away she used everything she could to hide them and get them out: waste baskets, boxes of tools, loads of goods, sacks of potatoes, coffins. | Começou a retirá-los em ambulâncias como vítimas de tifo, mas logo a seguir se valeu de tudo o que estivesse ao seu alcance para escondê-los e tirá-los dali: cestos de lixo, caixas de ferramentas, carregamentos de mercadorias, sacos de batatas, ataúdes. |
In her hands, anything turned into an escape route. | Nas suas mãos, qualquer coisa se transformava numa via de escape. |
She managed to recruit at least one person from each of the ten centers in the Department of Social Welfare. | Conseguiu recrutar ao menos uma pessoa de cada um dos dez centros do Departamento de Bem-estar Social. |
With the help of these people, she created centers for false documents, with forged signatures, giving temporary identities to Jewish boys. | Com a ajuda dessas pessoas elaborou centros de documentos falsos, com assinaturas falsificadas, dando identidade temporária aos meninos judeus. |
Irena lived the times of war thinking about the times of peace. | Irena vivia os tempos da guerra pensando nos tempos da paz. |
That's why she never tired of keeping these boys alive. | Por isso não se cansava em manter com vida esses meninos. |
She wished that one day they could recover their real names, their identity, their personal histories, their families. | Queria que um dia pudessem recuperar seus verdadeiros nomes, sua identidade, suas histórias pessoais, suas famílias. |
That's when she invented a file that registered the boys' names and their new identities. | Foi quando inventou um arquivo que registrava os nomes dos meninos e as suas novas identidades. |
She wrote down the data on small pieces of paper that she buried, inside jars, under an apple tree, in her neighbor's garden. | Anotava os dados em pedaços pequenos de papel que enterrava, dentro de potes de conserva, debaixo de uma arvore de maças, no jardim do seu vizinho. |
She kept, without anyone suspecting, the past of 2,500 boys, until the Nazis left. | Guardou, sem que ninguém suspeitasse, o passado de 2.500 meninos, até que os nazistas foram embora. |
One day, the Nazis learned of their activities. | Um dia, os nazistas souberam das suas atividades. |
On October 20th, 1943, Irena was arrested by the Gestapo and taken to Pawiak prison where she was brutally tortured. | Em 20 de Outubro de 1943, Irena foi detida pela Gestapo e levada à prisão de Pawiak onde foi brutalmente torturada. |
On a straw mattress in her cell, she found a picture of Jesus Christ. | Num colchão de palha da sua cela, encontrou uma estampa de Jesus Cristo. |
And she kept it as a result of a miraculous chance in those difficult moments of her life, until the year 1979 when she got rid of it and gave it to John Paul II as a gift. | E ficou com ela como resultado de uma casualidade miraculosa naqueles duros momentos da sua vida, até o ano de 1979 em que se desfez dela dando-a de presente a João Paulo II. |
Irena was the only one who knew the names and where the families that housed the Jewish boys were; she endured torture and refused to betray her collaborators or any of the hidden boys. | Irena era a única que sabia os nomes e onde se encontravam as famílias que albergaram os meninos judeus; suportou a tortura e se recusou a trair seus colaboradores ou qualquer dos meninos ocultos. |
They broke her feet and legs, in addition to suffering countless tortures. | Quebraram-lhe os pés e as pernas, além de sofrer inúmeras torturas. |
But no one could break her will. | Mas ninguém conseguiu romper a sua vontade. |
She was sentenced to death. | Foi sentenciada à morte. |
A sentence that was never fulfilled because on the way to the place of execution, the soldier who was taking her let her escape. | Uma sentença que nunca chegou a se cumprir porque a caminho do lugar da execução, o soldado que a levava a deixou escapar. |
The resistance had bribed him because they didn't want Irena to die with the secret of the boys' location. | A resistência o tinha subornado porque não queriam que Irena morresse com o segredo da localização dos meninos. |
Officially she was on the list of those executed. | Oficialmente ela constava nas listas dos executados. |
From then on, she continued working, but with a fake ID. | A partir de então, continuou trabalhando, mas com uma identidade falsa. |
At the end of the war, she herself dug up the jars and made use of the notes to find the 2,500 children she placed with foster families. | No final da guerra, ela mesmo desenterrou os vidros de conserva e fez uso das anotações para encontrar as 2.500 crianças que colocou com famílias adotivas. |
She reunited them with their relatives scattered across Europe, but most had lost their families in Nazi concentration camps. | Reuniu-as aos seus parentes espalhados por toda Europa, mas a maioria tinha perdido as suas famílias nos campos de concentração nazistas. |
The boys only knew her by her nickname: JOLANTA. | Os meninos só a conheciam pelo apelido: JOLANTA. |
Years later, when her story appeared in a newspaper with photos of her from the time, several people started calling her to say: | Anos mais tarde, quando a sua historia saiu num jornal com fotos suas, da época, diversas pessoas começaram a chama-la para dizer: |
"I remember your face. I'm one of those boys, I owe you my life, my future, and I'd like to see you!" | "Lembro de seu rosto. Sou um daqueles meninos, lhe devo a minha vida, meu futuro, e gostaria de vê-la!" |
Irena had pictures in her room with some of those surviving boys or their children. | Irena tinha no seu quarto fotos com alguns daqueles meninos sobreviventes ou com filhos deles. |
Her father, a doctor who died of typhus when she was little, had her memorize the following: | Seu pai, um médico que faleceu de tifo quando ela ainda era pequena, lhe fez memorizar o seguinte: |
Irena has been living in a wheelchair for years because of injuries caused by the tortures suffered by the Gestapo. | Irena vive há anos numa cadeira de rodas, por causa das lesões causadas pelas torturas sofridas pela Gestapo. |
She doesn't consider herself a hero. | Não se considera uma heroína. |
She never claimed any credit for her actions. | Nunca reinvidicou crédito algum por suas ações. |
"I could have done more, this regret will accompany me until the day of my death!" | "Poderia ter feito mais, este lamento me acompanhará até o dia de minha morte!" |
Contagem de palavras
A tabela abaixo exibe as palavras encontradas neste texto bem como o número de vezes em que aparecem.
Veja também: Para que serve esta tabela?
Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra |
80 | the | 44 | of | 40 | she |
31 | to | 25 | her | 24 | a |
23 | in | 21 | and | 18 | was |
18 | that | 15 | their | 12 | irena |
11 | boys | 10 | with | 9 | they |
8 | when | 8 | one | 8 | had |
8 | from | 7 | who | 7 | on |
7 | by | 6 | would | 6 | those |
6 | them | 6 | out | 6 | only |
6 | families | 6 | could | 6 | but |
5 | never | 5 | it | 5 | for |
5 | death | 5 | children | 4 | you |
4 | years | 4 | where | 4 | there |
4 | or | 4 | my | 4 | life |
4 | day | 4 | because | 4 | as |
4 | an | 3 | will | 3 | warsaw |
3 | until | 3 | typhus | 3 | this |
3 | take | 3 | place | 3 | nazis |
3 | names | 3 | moment | 3 | lives |
3 | like | 3 | into | 3 | I |
3 | ghetto | 3 | camps | 3 | be |
3 | at | 3 | all | 3 | about |
2 | year | 2 | world | 2 | without |
2 | were | 2 | welfare | 2 | war |
2 | want | 2 | tortures | 2 | tomb |
2 | times | 2 | time | 2 | these |
2 | that's | 2 | thanks | 2 | taking |
2 | taken | 2 | story | 2 | still |
2 | started | 2 | some | 2 | social |
2 | room | 2 | promise | 2 | person |
2 | people | 2 | living | 2 | lived |
2 | knew | 2 | kept | 2 | jews |
2 | jewish | 2 | jars | 2 | is |
2 | if | 2 | identities | 2 | him |
2 | herself | 2 | hero | 2 | help |
2 | has | 2 | got | 2 | gestapo |
2 | found | 2 | fact | 2 | escape |
2 | each | 2 | die | 2 | didn't |
2 | department | 2 | created | 2 | country |
2 | couldn't | 2 | concentration | 2 | centers |
2 | came | 2 | break | 2 | boys' |
2 | been | 2 | are | 2 | anything |
2 | anyone | 2 | any | 1 | your |
1 | wrote | 1 | workshop | 1 | working |
1 | work | 1 | won | 1 | woman |
1 | wished | 1 | why | 1 | while |
1 | wheelchair | 1 | what | 1 | way |
1 | waste | 1 | visit | 1 | victims |
1 | used | 1 | use | 1 | up |
1 | unknown | 1 | understood | 1 | under |
1 | turned | 1 | try | 1 | tree |
1 | train | 1 | tortured | 1 | torture |
1 | tools | 1 | told | 1 | today |
1 | tired | 1 | thinking | 1 | thing |
1 | then | 1 | thank | 1 | th |
1 | ten | 1 | temporary | 1 | tasks |
1 | suspecting | 1 | surviving | 1 | surprising |
1 | surprise | 1 | sure | 1 | suffering |
1 | suffered | 1 | success | 1 | students |
1 | straw | 1 | steven | 1 | stayed |
1 | spielberg | 1 | soon | 1 | son |
1 | sometimes | 1 | someone | 1 | soldier |
1 | small | 1 | signatures | 1 | several |
1 | separation | 1 | separated | 1 | sentenced |
1 | sentence | 1 | sendler | 1 | see |
1 | secret | 1 | searching | 1 | schindler |
1 | scattered | 1 | say | 1 | saved |
1 | save | 1 | sanitary | 1 | sacks |
1 | route | 1 | rooms | 1 | right |
1 | rid | 1 | reunited | 1 | result |
1 | resistance | 1 | remember | 1 | religion |
1 | relatives | 1 | regret | 1 | registered |
1 | refused | 1 | references | 1 | recruit |
1 | recover | 1 | recognized | 1 | real |
1 | ran | 1 | process | 1 | prison |
1 | prevented | 1 | potatoes | 1 | possible |
1 | poles | 1 | poland | 1 | placed |
1 | pieces | 1 | pictures | 1 | picture |
1 | photos | 1 | personal | 1 | perfectly |
1 | peace | 1 | pawiak | 1 | paul |
1 | past | 1 | parents | 1 | paper |
1 | owe | 1 | over | 1 | outside |
1 | oscars | 1 | oscar | 1 | old |
1 | officially | 1 | official | 1 | offering |
1 | october | 1 | obscurantism | 1 | nursing |
1 | nurse | 1 | notes | 1 | not |
1 | no | 1 | nickname | 1 | newspaper |
1 | new | 1 | neighbor's | 1 | need |
1 | nazi | 1 | nationality | 1 | mothers |
1 | mother | 1 | most | 1 | more |
1 | moments | 1 | miraculous | 1 | minds |
1 | memorize | 1 | me | 1 | mattress |
1 | managed | 1 | make | 1 | made |
1 | lost | 1 | location | 1 | loads |
1 | live | 1 | little | 1 | list |
1 | let | 1 | legs | 1 | left |
1 | leave | 1 | least | 1 | learned |
1 | learn | 1 | later | 1 | lacking |
1 | known | 1 | know | 1 | kids |
1 | keeping | 1 | kansas | 1 | jolanta |
1 | joined | 1 | john | 1 | jesus |
1 | irena's | 1 | investigation | 1 | invented |
1 | invading | 1 | invaded | 1 | institute |
1 | inspired | 1 | inside | 1 | injuries |
1 | information | 1 | industrialist | 1 | I'm |
1 | ii | 1 | identity | 1 | identification |
1 | I'd | 1 | id | 1 | how |
1 | housed | 1 | horrified | 1 | horrible |
1 | home | 1 | holocaust | 1 | history |
1 | histories | 1 | historians | 1 | hide |
1 | hidden | 1 | heroes | 1 | helping |
1 | heart | 1 | have | 1 | hardest |
1 | harder | 1 | happened | 1 | hands |
1 | guarantee | 1 | group | 1 | grandmothers |
1 | grandchildren | 1 | graduation | 1 | goods |
1 | goes | 1 | giving | 1 | give |
1 | gift | 1 | get | 1 | germany |
1 | germans | 1 | gave | 1 | garden |
1 | future | 1 | fulfilled | 1 | fought |
1 | foster | 1 | forged | 1 | following |
1 | flowers | 1 | find | 1 | film |
1 | file | 1 | figure | 1 | fight |
1 | few | 1 | feet | 1 | father |
1 | false | 1 | fake | 1 | face |
1 | exist | 1 | execution | 1 | executed |
1 | everything | 1 | every | 1 | even |
1 | europe | 1 | erased | 1 | epidemic |
1 | endured | 1 | end | 1 | during |
1 | dug | 1 | drowning | 1 | down |
1 | done | 1 | doesn't | 1 | documents |
1 | doctor | 1 | diseases | 1 | discovered |
1 | dining | 1 | difficult | 1 | died |
1 | did | 1 | data | 1 | credit |
1 | countless | 1 | council | 1 | convince |
1 | control | 1 | continued | 1 | contagious |
1 | contact | 1 | consider | 1 | conditions |
1 | companions | 1 | communist | 1 | communal |
1 | collaborators | 1 | coffins | 1 | claimed |
1 | city's | 1 | chronicling | 1 | christ |
1 | change | 1 | chance | 1 | center |
1 | cell | 1 | caused | 1 | carried |
1 | cards | 1 | can | 1 | calling |
1 | buried | 1 | brutally | 1 | broke |
1 | bribed | 1 | boxes | 1 | books |
1 | biggest | 1 | betray | 1 | being |
1 | began | 1 | baskets | 1 | away |
1 | asked | 1 | arrested | 1 | around |
1 | apple | 1 | appeared | 1 | ambulances |
1 | always | 1 | alive | 1 | aid |
1 | against | 1 | again | 1 | after |
1 | afraid | 1 | addition | 1 | activities |
1 | actions | 1 | across | 1 | achievement |
1 | account | 1 | accompany | 1 | acclaimed |
1 | accepted |