Photo by Nina Strehl on Unsplash
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English Transcript | Tradução |
What is the most disturbing thing you have ever seen your neighbor do? | Qual é a coisa mais perturbadora que você já viu seu vizinho fazer? |
I was IGNORED and miffed! | Fui IGNORADA e ofendida! |
I moved in a little 1930's house in quiet El Segundo with my 2nd fiance , I was in my mid 20's and had a dog. | Mudei-me para uma casinha dos anos 1930 na tranquila El Segundo com meu segundo noivo, eu tinha 20 e poucos anos e tinha um cachorro. |
On my walk I would say hello to the older man who lived across the street. | Nas minhas caminhadas eu cumprimentava o homem mais velho que morava do outro lado da rua. |
He ignored me and I waved and gestured to him a few times and the last time he gave me the finger. | Ele me ignorava e eu acenei e gesticulei para ele algumas vezes e na última vez ele me mostrou o dedo. |
I tried to follow him to his door to meet him in person and shake hands and he slammed the door in my face! | Tentei segui-lo até sua porta para conhecê-lo pessoalmente e apertar suas mãos e ele bateu a porta na minha cara! |
I was pissed and used to shoot skyrockets at his roof. | Eu fiquei chateada e costumava atirar foguetes em seu telhado. |
He had BBQ's on Sunday and I would throw shotgun shell primers on his lawn so when he mowed the lawn with the power mower it would blow them up. | Ele fazia churrasco no domingo e eu jogava cartilhas de espingarda em seu gramado para que quando ele cortasse o gramado com o cortador de grama ele os explodisse. |
I snickered at the angry fellow looking for the culprit. | Eu ficava rindo do sujeito irritado procurando o culpado. |
It got so bad he would throw the dog shit on his lawn on mine and I would encourage my Dog to give his yard a fresh one and I sometimes kicked his garbage cans over on his driveway in the early morning as I went surfing at 5 am. | Ficou tão ruim que ele jogava o cocô de seu cachorro no meu gramado e eu encorajava meu cachorro a sujar o quintal dele e às vezes eu chutava as latas de lixo dele na entrada da garagem no início da manhã quando eu ia surfar às 5 da manhã . |
One day, I was in the local grocery store and only one checker was there and him and his wife were right in front of me. | Um dia, eu estava na mercearia local e só tinha um caixa lá e ele e sua esposa estavam bem na minha frente. |
They were giving me dirty looks and she would talk in his ear! | Eles me olhavam feio e ela estava falando no ouvido dele! |
The line was painstakingly slow and she finally turned to me and asked | A fila estava meticulosamente lenta e ela finalmente se virou para mim e perguntou |
I told her how I used to say hello and he ignored me and that I used to wave and smile at him and he just turned his back on me and once even flipped me off! | Eu disse a ela como eu costumava dizer olá e ele me ignorava e que eu costumava acenar e sorrir para ele e ele simplesmente virava as costas para mim e uma vez até me ignorou! |
"OH MY,!" she said he has a terrible hearing problem and his hearing aid is uncomfortable so he only wears it on occasion. | "MINHA NOSSA,!" ela então me disse que ele tinha um problema de audição terrível e seu aparelho auditivo era desconfortável, então ele só o usava de vez em quando. |
And his eyes are just near sighted as he can't see anything past his arm and he wears glasses only to church! | E ele é míope, ele não consegue ver nada além do braço e usa óculos apenas para ir à igreja! |
She spoke to him in his ear and so loud I could hear her repeating what I said. | Ela falou com ele em seu ouvido e tão alto que eu podia ouvi-la repetir o que eu disse. |
And he approached me and extended his hand and said he was terribly sorry for the misunderstanding and he thought I was cussing him for parking his old car in the front and he moved it to the alley because of my complaints. | E ele se aproximou de mim e estendeu a mão e disse que sentia muito pelo mal-entendido e pensou que eu o estava xingando por estacionar seu carro velho na frente e ele o mudou para o beco por causa das minhas reclamações. |
I apologized and said I was the one firing the skyrockets and threw the primers on his grass that blew up when his mowers blades hit them and we both laughed and he invited me to his BBQ that Sunday. | Pedi desculpas e disse que havia sido eu quem havia disparado os foguetes e joguei os primers na grama dele que explodiram quando as lâminas do cortador os atingiram e nós dois rimos e ele me convidou para o churrasco na casa dele naquele domingo. |
I brought Doves and Quail as I used to hunt then, and we had a fine time. | Como eu costumava caçar na época, eu trouxe pombas e codornas, e nos divertimos muito. |
He was a Veteran and was wearing his hearing aid and glasses too and we really took a liking to each other. | Ele era um veterano e estava usando seu aparelho auditivo e óculos também e nós realmente gostamos um do outro. |
He had great humor and character and survived the depression and that World War and lost his hearing as Artillery Officer. | Ele tinha muito humor e caráter e sobreviveu à depressão e à Guerra Mundial e perdeu a audição como oficial de artilharia. |
I chased away the people who were letting their dogs crap on his lawn and brought his trash cans in and helped him wash and wax the old car that he again parked in front and I would drop off baked goods my Sweet Woman made and helped him with any projects he was doing and we had them over many times for dinner and drinks. | Eu passei a afugentar as pessoas que deixavam seus cachorros defecarem no gramado dele e trouxe as latas de lixo dele e o ajudei a lavar e encerar o carro velho que ele passou a estacionar novamente na frente e eu deixava os assados que minha Sweet Woman fazia e o ajudava com todos os projetos que ele estava fazendo e nós os convidávamos muitas vezes para jantar e beber. |
He and my Dad were the same age and both WW2 vets and they started to go to the local park together where many other Vets gathered from the WW2 era. | Ele e meu pai tinham a mesma idade e eram veteranos da Segunda Guerra Mundial e começaram a ir ao parque local juntos, onde muitos outros veteranos da Segunda Guerra Mundial se reuniam. |
The Sunday BBQ's at his house were a ritual and my Mom and Dad loved the gatherings and we lived there for 7 years! | Os churrascos de domingo na casa dele eram um ritual e minha mãe e meu pai adoravam os encontros e moramos lá por 7 anos! |
I loved this Man and his dear Wife and I drove them to many places and events as they were getting older and we bonded and my folks being the same generation had holidays with them and all our relatives got to know each other. | Eu amava esse homem e sua querida esposa e os levei a muitos lugares e eventos à medida que eles envelheceram e nos unimos e meus pais, sendo da mesma geração, passavam férias com eles e todos os nossos parentes se conheceram. |
He was a diamond and I had treated him like a lump of coal! | Ele era um diamante e eu o tratara como um pedaço de carvão! |
I was with him once to try and get his Drivers License, but he failed. | Eu estava com ele uma vez quando ele foi tirar sua carteira de motorista, mas ele foi reprovado. |
He was disappointed! | Ele ficou desapontado! |
And outside were many Boy scouts gathered to board on a Bus and he had on his Army cap and the troop leader and the other 30 Scouts came up to him and asked if he was a WW2 veteran, and he said YES! | E lá fora estavam muitos escoteiros reunidos para embarcar em um ônibus e ele estava com seu boné do Exército e o líder da tropa e os outros 30 escoteiros vieram até ele e perguntaram se ele era um veterano da Segunda Guerra Mundial, e ele disse SIM! |
They all saluted him and and got in a troop formation and took turns, each scout shaking his hand and returning to their place in formation! | Todos o saudaram e entraram em formação de tropa e se revezaram, cada escoteiro apertando sua mão e retornando ao seu lugar em formação! |
The young Scout leader told him how thankful and grateful they were for his service and dedication in fighting for our America. | O jovem líder escoteiro disse a ele como eles estavam agradecidos e por seu serviço e dedicação na luta por nossa América. |
They gave him another salute and he saluted back. | Eles o saudaram novamente e ele retribuiu a saudação. |
They were on their way to the big Cemetery to place American flags on the Veteran's tomb stones and the big Scout Jamboree! | Eles estavam a caminho do grande Cemitério para colocar bandeiras americanas nas pedras do túmulo do Veterano e no grande acampamento dos escoteiros. |
He was dabbing his eyes as I drove him home! | Ele enxugava os olhos enquanto eu o levava para casa! |
And I finally moved to Laguna Beach. | E finalmente me mudei para Laguna Beach. |
Many weekends I came up and would surprise them! | Em muitos fins de semana eu aparecia de surpresa! |
Bringing them prime rib (his favorite) and the many Sees candy chocolates his Wife loved! | Trazia-lhes costela (seu favorito) e os muitos chocolates doces da Sees que sua esposa adorava! |
I never had attitude with people after that and always give the benefit of the doubt to others! | Eu nunca fui grosseira com as pessoas depois disso e sempre dou o benefício da dúvida para os outros! |
But he passed away a few years later and my father and I attended his funeral and it was a Military one too with Soldiers in their ceremonial dress uniforms and a full gun salute. | Mas ele faleceu alguns anos depois e meu pai e eu assistimos ao seu funeral militar, com soldados em seus uniformes cerimoniais e uma salva de tiros completa. |
I really hated my impulsive behavior and felt a guilt and remorse for the harm I caused a sweet and wonderful person and his funeral was really something- as so many attended and many got up in the podium and said such fine things about this Man- my Dear Friend! | Eu realmente odiava meu comportamento impulsivo e senti uma culpa e remorso pelo mal que causei a uma pessoa doce e maravilhosa e seu funeral foi realmente maravilhoso - já que tantos compareceram e muitos subiram ao pódio e disseram coisas tão boas sobre esse homem - meu querido amigo! |
I wanted to speak, but I was too ashamed to get up there as I deserved NOTHING! | Eu queria falar, mas eu estava com muita vergonha de subir lá em cima porque eu não merecia NADA! |
It turned out I was the disturbing neighbor who had no grasp of humanity until a lesson learned well changed me! | Acontece que eu era a vizinha perturbadora que não tinha noção de humanidade até que uma lição bem aprendida me mudou! |
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Contagem de palavras
A tabela abaixo exibe as palavras encontradas neste texto bem como o número de vezes em que aparecem.
Veja também: Para que serve esta tabela?
Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra |
93 | and | 41 | the | 40 | I |
34 | his | 31 | he | 30 | to |
21 | was | 20 | a | 18 | in |
16 | him | 15 | my | 14 | on |
11 | me | 10 | had | 9 | were |
8 | would | 8 | many | 8 | for |
8 | as | 7 | with | 7 | they |
7 | them | 6 | we | 6 | up |
6 | that | 6 | said | 6 | it |
5 | so | 5 | one | 5 | of |
5 | at | 4 | used | 4 | their |
4 | she | 4 | other | 4 | lawn |
4 | hearing | 4 | got | 3 | ww |
3 | wife | 3 | who | 3 | turned |
3 | too | 3 | there | 3 | sunday |
3 | scout | 3 | really | 3 | only |
3 | moved | 3 | man | 3 | loved |
3 | ignored | 3 | front | 3 | each |
3 | dog | 3 | but | 2 | you |
2 | years | 2 | why | 2 | when |
2 | what | 2 | wears | 2 | vets |
2 | veteran | 2 | troop | 2 | took |
2 | told | 2 | times | 2 | time |
2 | throw | 2 | this | 2 | sweet |
2 | skyrockets | 2 | scouts | 2 | say |
2 | same | 2 | saluted | 2 | salute |
2 | primers | 2 | place | 2 | person |
2 | people | 2 | over | 2 | our |
2 | once | 2 | older | 2 | old |
2 | off | 2 | neighbor | 2 | local |
2 | lived | 2 | leader | 2 | just |
2 | is | 2 | how | 2 | house |
2 | her | 2 | helped | 2 | hello |
2 | hand | 2 | glasses | 2 | give |
2 | get | 2 | gave | 2 | gathered |
2 | funeral | 2 | formation | 2 | fine |
2 | finally | 2 | few | 2 | eyes |
2 | ear | 2 | drove | 2 | door |
2 | do | 2 | disturbing | 2 | dear |
2 | dad | 2 | car | 2 | cans |
2 | came | 2 | brought | 2 | both |
2 | big | 2 | bbq's | 2 | back |
2 | away | 2 | attended | 2 | asked |
2 | all | 2 | aid | 1 | your |
1 | young | 1 | yes | 1 | yard |
1 | world | 1 | wonderful | 1 | woman |
1 | where | 1 | went | 1 | well |
1 | weekends | 1 | wearing | 1 | way |
1 | wax | 1 | waved | 1 | wave |
1 | wash | 1 | war | 1 | wanted |
1 | walk | 1 | veteran's | 1 | until |
1 | uniforms | 1 | uncomfortable | 1 | turns |
1 | try | 1 | tried | 1 | treated |
1 | trash | 1 | tomb | 1 | together |
1 | threw | 1 | thought | 1 | things |
1 | thing | 1 | then | 1 | thankful |
1 | terribly | 1 | terrible | 1 | talk |
1 | survived | 1 | surprise | 1 | surfing |
1 | such | 1 | street | 1 | store |
1 | stones | 1 | started | 1 | spoke |
1 | speak | 1 | sorry | 1 | sometimes |
1 | something | 1 | soldiers | 1 | snickered |
1 | smile | 1 | slow | 1 | slammed |
1 | sighted | 1 | shotgun | 1 | shoot |
1 | shit | 1 | shell | 1 | shaking |
1 | shake | 1 | service | 1 | segundo |
1 | sees | 1 | seen | 1 | see |
1 | roof | 1 | ritual | 1 | right |
1 | rib | 1 | returning | 1 | repeating |
1 | remorse | 1 | relatives | 1 | quiet |
1 | quail | 1 | projects | 1 | problem |
1 | prime | 1 | power | 1 | podium |
1 | places | 1 | pissed | 1 | past |
1 | passed | 1 | parking | 1 | parked |
1 | park | 1 | painstakingly | 1 | outside |
1 | out | 1 | others | 1 | oh |
1 | officer | 1 | occasion | 1 | nothing |
1 | no | 1 | never | 1 | near |
1 | nd | 1 | mowers | 1 | mower |
1 | mowed | 1 | most | 1 | morning |
1 | mom | 1 | misunderstanding | 1 | mine |
1 | military | 1 | miffed | 1 | mid |
1 | meet | 1 | made | 1 | lump |
1 | loud | 1 | lost | 1 | looks |
1 | looking | 1 | little | 1 | line |
1 | liking | 1 | like | 1 | license |
1 | letting | 1 | lesson | 1 | learned |
1 | laughed | 1 | later | 1 | last |
1 | laguna | 1 | know | 1 | kicked |
1 | jamboree | 1 | invited | 1 | impulsive |
1 | if | 1 | husband | 1 | hunt |
1 | humor | 1 | humanity | 1 | home |
1 | holidays | 1 | hit | 1 | hear |
1 | have | 1 | hated | 1 | hate |
1 | has | 1 | harm | 1 | hands |
1 | gun | 1 | guilt | 1 | grocery |
1 | great | 1 | grateful | 1 | grass |
1 | grasp | 1 | goods | 1 | go |
1 | giving | 1 | getting | 1 | gestured |
1 | generation | 1 | gatherings | 1 | garbage |
1 | full | 1 | from | 1 | friend |
1 | fresh | 1 | follow | 1 | folks |
1 | flipped | 1 | flags | 1 | firing |
1 | finger | 1 | fighting | 1 | fiance |
1 | felt | 1 | fellow | 1 | favorite |
1 | father | 1 | failed | 1 | face |
1 | extended | 1 | ever | 1 | events |
1 | even | 1 | era | 1 | encourage |
1 | el | 1 | early | 1 | drop |
1 | driveway | 1 | drivers | 1 | drinks |
1 | dress | 1 | doves | 1 | doubt |
1 | doing | 1 | dogs | 1 | disappointed |
1 | dirty | 1 | dinner | 1 | diamond |
1 | deserved | 1 | depression | 1 | dedication |
1 | day | 1 | dabbing | 1 | cussing |
1 | culprit | 1 | crap | 1 | could |
1 | complaints | 1 | coal | 1 | church |
1 | chocolates | 1 | checker | 1 | chased |
1 | character | 1 | changed | 1 | ceremonial |
1 | cemetery | 1 | caused | 1 | cap |
1 | can't | 1 | candy | 1 | bus |
1 | bringing | 1 | boy | 1 | bonded |
1 | board | 1 | blow | 1 | blew |
1 | blades | 1 | benefit | 1 | being |
1 | behavior | 1 | because | 1 | beach |
1 | bbq | 1 | baked | 1 | bad |
1 | attitude | 1 | ashamed | 1 | artillery |
1 | army | 1 | arm | 1 | are |
1 | approached | 1 | apologized | 1 | anything |
1 | any | 1 | another | 1 | angry |
1 | american | 1 | america | 1 | am |
1 | always | 1 | alley | 1 | age |
1 | again | 1 | after | 1 | across |
1 | about |