Conheça a história de Louis Braille, criador do método Braille para escrita e leitura tátil por pessoas cegas ou com baixa visão.
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English Transcript | Tradução |
Light in the darkness | Luz na escuridão |
One day, a 3-year-old boy was in his father's workshop, watching him make harnesses and saddles. | Um dia, um menino de 3 anos estava na oficina do pai, vendo-o fazer arreios e selas. |
When he grew up, he wanted to be like his father. | Quando crescesse, queria ser igual ao pai. |
Trying to imitate him, he took a pointed instrument and started tapping a leather strap. | Tentando imitá-lo, tomou um instrumento pontudo e começou a bater numa tira de couro. |
The instrument escaped from the small hand, hitting his left eye. | O instrumento escapou da pequena mão, atingindo-lhe o olho esquerdo. |
Soon, an infection hit the right eye and the boy was totally blind. | Logo mais, uma infecção atingiu o olho direito e o menino ficou totalmente cego. |
Over time, although he struggled to remember, the images gradually disappeared and he no longer remembered the colors. | Com o passar do tempo, embora se esforçasse para se lembrar, as imagens foram gradualmente desaparecendo e ele não se lembrava mais das cores. |
He learned to help his father in the workshop, bringing tools and leather parts. | Aprendeu a ajudar o pai na oficina, trazendo ferramentas e peças de couro. |
He went to school and everyone was amazed by his memory. | Ia para a escola e todos se admiravam da sua memória. |
He wasn't really happy with his studies. | De verdade, ele não estava feliz com seus estudos. |
He wanted to read books. | Queria ler livros. |
Write letters, like his colleagues. | Escrever cartas, como os seus colegas. |
One day, he heard about a school for the blind. | Um dia, ouviu falar de uma escola para cegos. |
At ten, Louis arrived in Paris, taken by his father and enrolled at the National Institute for Blind Children | Aos dez anos, Louis chegou a Paris, levado pelo pai e se matriculou no Instituto Nacional para Crianças Cegas |
There were books with large embossed letters. | Ali havia livros com letras grandes em relevo. |
Students felt, by touch, the shapes of letters and learned words and phrases. | Os estudantes sentiam, pelo tato, as formas das letras e aprendiam as palavras e frases. |
Soon, young Louis discovered that it was a limited method. | Logo o jovem Louis descobriu que era um método limitado. |
The letters were very large. | As letras eram muito grandes. |
A short story filled many pages. | Uma história curta enchia muitas páginas. |
The reading process took too long. | O processo de leitura era muito demorado. |
Printing such volumes was very expensive. | A impressão de tais volumes era muito cara. |
Before long, the boy had read everything in the library. | Em pouco tempo o menino tinha lido tudo que havia na biblioteca. |
He wanted more. | Queria mais. |
As he loved music, he became a student of piano and cello. | Como adorava música, tornou-se estudante de piano e violoncelo. |
The love of music whetted his desire for reading. | O amor à música aguçou seu desejo pela leitura. |
He also wanted to read musical notes. | Queria ler também notas musicais. |
He spent nights awake, thinking about how to solve the problem. | Passava noites acordado, pensando em como resolver o problema. |
He heard of an Army Captain who had developed a method for reading messages in the dark. | Ouviu falar de um capitão do exército que tinha desenvolvido um método para ler mensagens no escuro. |
Night time writing consisted of sets of dots and dashes embossed on paper. | A escrita noturna consistia em conjuntos de pontos e traços em relevo no papel. |
The soldiers could, running their fingers over the codes, read without needing light. | Os soldados podiam, correndo os dedos sobre os códigos, ler sem precisar de luz. |
Now, if the soldiers could, the blind could too, thought the boy. | Ora, se os soldados podiam, os cegos também podiam, pensou o garoto. |
He sought out Captain Barbier who showed him how the method worked. | Procurou o capitão Barbier que lhe mostrou como funcionava o método. |
He made a series of holes in a sheet of paper, with a hole punch very similar to the one that blinded the little one. | Fez uma série de furinhos numa folha de papel, com um furador muito semelhante ao que cegara o pequeno. |
Night after night and day after day, Louis worked on the Barbier system, making adaptations and perfecting it. | Noite após noite e dia após dia, Louis trabalhou no sistema de Barbier, fazendo adaptações e aperfeiçoando-o. |
He endured a lot of resistance. | Suportou muita resistência. |
The owners of the Institute had spent a fortune printing the books with the letters in relief. | Os donos do instituto tinham gasto uma fortuna na impressão dos livros com as letras em relevo. |
They didn't want everything to go down the drain. | Não queriam que tudo fosse por água abaixo. |
With persistence, Louis Braille showed his method. | Com persistência, Louis Braille foi mostrando seu método. |
The boys at the institute were interested. | Os meninos do instituto se interessavam. |
At night, on the sly, they went to his room to learn. | À noite, às escondidas, iam ao seu quarto, para aprender. |
Finally, at the age of 20, Louis came up with a readable alphabet with combinations ranging from one to six points. | Finalmente, aos 20 anos de idade, Louis chegou a um alfabeto legível com combinações variadas de um a seis pontos. |
The Braille method was ready. | O método Braille estava pronto. |
The system also made it possible to read and write music. | O sistema permitia também ler e escrever música. |
The idea eventually found acceptance. | A idéia acabou por encontrar aceitação. |
Weeks before he died, in hospital, Louis said to a friend, "I'm sure my mission on Earth is over." | Semanas antes de morrer, no leito do hospital, Louis disse a um amigo: "Tenho certeza de que minha missão na Terra terminou." |
Two days after turning 43, Louis Braille passed away. | Dois dias depois de completar 43 anos, Louis Braille faleceu. |
In the years following his death, the method spread to several countries. | Nos anos seguintes à sua morte, o método se espalhou por vários países. |
Finally, it was accepted as the official method of reading and writing for those who cannot see. | Finalmente, foi aceito como o método oficial de leitura e escrita para aqueles que não enxergam. |
Thus, books could be part of the life of the blind. | Assim, os livros puderam fazer parte da vida dos cegos. |
All thanks to a boy immersed in darkness, who dedicated his life to making light to enrich his and the lives of all who are deprived of physical sight. | Tudo graças a um menino imerso em trevas, que dedicou sua vida a fazer luz para enriquecer a sua e a vida de todos os que se encontram privados da visão física. |
There are those who use their limitations as an excuse for not acting or producing. | Há quem use suas limitações como desculpa para não agir nem produzir. |
However, as everything should bring us learning, wisdom is, precisely, in overcoming the worst conditions and doing the best for yourself and others | No entanto, como tudo deve nos trazer aprendizado, a sabedoria está, justamente, em superar as piores condições e realizar o melhor para si e para os outros |
Contagem de Palavras
A tabela abaixo exibe as palavras encontradas neste texto bem como o número de vezes em que aparecem.
Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra | Freq. | Palavra |
47 | the | 20 | he | 19 | to |
18 | and | 16 | of | 16 | a |
14 | his | 12 | in | 7 | with |
7 | was | 7 | method | 7 | louis |
7 | for | 6 | who | 5 | read |
5 | one | 5 | letters | 5 | boy |
5 | blind | 5 | at | 4 | wanted |
4 | reading | 4 | on | 4 | night |
4 | it | 4 | day | 4 | could |
4 | books | 4 | as | 3 | were |
3 | very | 3 | over | 3 | music |
3 | light | 3 | institute | 3 | him |
3 | had | 3 | father | 3 | everything |
3 | by | 3 | braille | 3 | an |
3 | after | 2 | writing | 2 | write |
2 | workshop | 2 | worked | 2 | went |
2 | up | 2 | took | 2 | too |
2 | time | 2 | those | 2 | they |
2 | there | 2 | their | 2 | that |
2 | system | 2 | spent | 2 | soon |
2 | soldiers | 2 | showed | 2 | school |
2 | printing | 2 | paper | 2 | making |
2 | made | 2 | long | 2 | like |
2 | life | 2 | leather | 2 | learned |
2 | large | 2 | is | 2 | instrument |
2 | how | 2 | heard | 2 | from |
2 | finally | 2 | eye | 2 | embossed |
2 | darkness | 2 | captain | 2 | before |
2 | be | 2 | barbier | 2 | are |
2 | also | 2 | all | 2 | about |
1 | yourself | 1 | young | 1 | years |
1 | year | 1 | worst | 1 | words |
1 | without | 1 | wisdom | 1 | whetted |
1 | when | 1 | weeks | 1 | watching |
1 | wasn't | 1 | want | 1 | volumes |
1 | use | 1 | us | 1 | two |
1 | turning | 1 | trying | 1 | touch |
1 | totally | 1 | tools | 1 | thus |
1 | thought | 1 | thinking | 1 | thanks |
1 | ten | 1 | tapping | 1 | taken |
1 | sure | 1 | such | 1 | studies |
1 | students | 1 | student | 1 | struggled |
1 | strap | 1 | story | 1 | started |
1 | spread | 1 | sought | 1 | solve |
1 | small | 1 | sly | 1 | six |
1 | similar | 1 | sight | 1 | should |
1 | short | 1 | sheet | 1 | shapes |
1 | several | 1 | sets | 1 | series |
1 | see | 1 | said | 1 | saddles |
1 | running | 1 | room | 1 | right |
1 | resistance | 1 | remembered | 1 | remember |
1 | relief | 1 | really | 1 | ready |
1 | readable | 1 | ranging | 1 | punch |
1 | producing | 1 | process | 1 | problem |
1 | precisely | 1 | possible | 1 | points |
1 | pointed | 1 | piano | 1 | physical |
1 | phrases | 1 | persistence | 1 | perfecting |
1 | passed | 1 | parts | 1 | part |
1 | paris | 1 | pages | 1 | owners |
1 | overcoming | 1 | out | 1 | others |
1 | or | 1 | old | 1 | official |
1 | now | 1 | notes | 1 | not |
1 | no | 1 | nights | 1 | needing |
1 | national | 1 | my | 1 | musical |
1 | more | 1 | mission | 1 | messages |
1 | memory | 1 | many | 1 | make |
1 | loved | 1 | love | 1 | lot |
1 | longer | 1 | lives | 1 | little |
1 | limited | 1 | limitations | 1 | library |
1 | left | 1 | learning | 1 | learn |
1 | interested | 1 | infection | 1 | immersed |
1 | imitate | 1 | images | 1 | I'm |
1 | if | 1 | idea | 1 | however |
1 | hospital | 1 | holes | 1 | hole |
1 | hitting | 1 | hit | 1 | help |
1 | harnesses | 1 | happy | 1 | hand |
1 | grew | 1 | gradually | 1 | go |
1 | friend | 1 | found | 1 | fortune |
1 | following | 1 | fingers | 1 | filled |
1 | felt | 1 | father's | 1 | expensive |
1 | excuse | 1 | everyone | 1 | eventually |
1 | escaped | 1 | enrolled | 1 | enrich |
1 | endured | 1 | earth | 1 | drain |
1 | down | 1 | dots | 1 | doing |
1 | discovered | 1 | disappeared | 1 | died |
1 | didn't | 1 | developed | 1 | desire |
1 | deprived | 1 | dedicated | 1 | death |
1 | days | 1 | dashes | 1 | dark |
1 | countries | 1 | consisted | 1 | conditions |
1 | combinations | 1 | colors | 1 | colleagues |
1 | codes | 1 | children | 1 | cello |
1 | cannot | 1 | came | 1 | bringing |
1 | bring | 1 | boys | 1 | blinded |
1 | best | 1 | became | 1 | away |
1 | awake | 1 | arrived | 1 | army |
1 | amazed | 1 | although | 1 | alphabet |
1 | age | 1 | adaptations | 1 | acting |
1 | accepted | 1 | acceptance |